Emirates International University



Tuesday, 28 November, 2023
A scientific visit for students of the Chemical Engineering Department, third level, to the Amran Cement Factory

A scientific visit for students of the Chemical Engineering Department, third level, to the Amran Cement Factory


 University media


 The Chemical Engineering Department at the University's College of Engineering and Information Technology organized a field visit for the department's third-level students to the Amran Cement Factory as part of field training for the students. Accompanied by the head of the department, Professor Dr. Hani Dammaj.


 The visit aims to link the theoretical side with the practical side, as the cement industry is an integral part of the chemical engineer’s specialty and is taught as an essential part of the chemical industries subject. Students are introduced to the stages of the cement industry, starting from the quarry and ending with packaging.

 They also learned about the role of the chemical engineer in this giant national facility, as he can work in many fields, including the production department, the quality department, the security and safety department, and the command and control department, and he can also manage and supervise these fields.


 The students listened to specialists in various departments and production units explaining the departments in the factory, as well as an overview of the production capacity and the stages the factory went through.


 The students also listened to a detailed explanation of the work mechanism in the production department, which consists of two production lines (old + new) with a production cost of one and a half million tons of cement annually. During the tour, the students learned about the mechanism by which limestone raw materials are searched, since the factory is close to a quarry that is very rich in limestone material (calcium carbonate) in addition to the three basic oxides (silicon, iron, aluminium), as the Amran factory quarry represents 95% of the materials. The raw materials present in the factory that help produce cement, especially ordinary Portland cement, which is required in mountainous areas.


 After that, the students visited the mill, which operates with an electrical capacity of 20 to 25 thousand watts, and which grinds and breaks the limestone rocks coming from the quarry and the clay rocks coming from the Dhahban area in a ratio of 5:95, meaning 95 limestone rocks to 5 claystones, which are then burned in the The oven in which the temperature reaches 1400 degrees Celsius.


 After learning about all these stages of production, the students were taken to the factory’s laboratories, namely the chemistry, physics, and radiology laboratories, where the chemical and physical properties were studied. They were then taken on a tour of the logic control department, where the mechanism was explained from the beginning of production to packaging through the automatic control panel, and it was concluded. Scientific visit for students to the Packaging Department.


 The department’s students expressed their thanks and appreciation to the factory leadership for the great cooperation from the engineers there, including Dr. Ahmed Al-Anwa, Director of the Research Center at the factory, Engineer Saleh Bin Munif, Director of Production, and other workers in the various departments of the factory.


