Emirates International University



Thursday, 16 November, 2023
A training workshop for College of Engineering students on emerging projects and financial technology

A training workshop for College of Engineering students on emerging projects and financial technology


 University med


 Sponsored by the Emirates International University and the Bank of Yemen and Kuwait, represented by the Inspire business incubator and accelerator, and in partnership with the Information Technology Center, the Emirates University organized, Thursday morning, a training workshop for students of the College of Engineering on emerging projects and financial technolog


 The workshop aimed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to create and manage emerging projects and financial technology.  More than 100 students from various departments in the College of Engineering participated in the worksho


 In the opening speech of the workshop, delivered by the University President, Dr. Nasser Hadi Al-Mofari, he stressed the university’s keenness to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to be successful entrepreneurs in the future.  “By involving them in such specialized training workshops that contribute to refining their skills in the field of entrepreneurship and financial technology, which will enable them to establish and manage successful projects in this vital field


 The university president pointed out that financial technology has the ability to bring about positive change not only at the local level but also at the global level. He stressed the university’s commitment to supporting its students in their quest to establish emerging projects in this field in partnership with the Bank of Yemen and Kuwait and the Information Technology Cente


 For his part, the Executive Director of the Information Technology Center, Dr. Fouad Hassan Abdel Razzaq, indicated that the workshop comes within the efforts of the Bank of Yemen and Kuwait and the Information Technology Center to enhance the capabilities of students in the field of financial technology, and provide them with the necessary skills to create and manage emerging projects, keep pace with the rapid developments in the field of financial technology, and provide  Providing students with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in this fied.r..”p.y.iais field

The Assistant Director of the Bank of Yemen and Kuwait, Mr. Muhammad Jaafar, expressed the interest of the Bank of Yemen and Kuwait in achieving financial inclusion and supporting students in the fields of research, development and entrepreneurship through their various projects. Stressing that this workshop is to launch the “Inspire” business incubator launched by the bank to support student projects, adopt them, and contribute to their success. Pointing out the Bank of Yemen and Kuwait's keenness to organize more training workshops in the future to introduce emerging projects and financial technology.


 The lectures presented by Mr. Ahmed Al-Awzan, Director of Fintech at the Bank, and Dr. Hisham Aoun, a faculty member at the College of Engineering, covered an introduction to the Inspire and Fintech business incubator and accelerator, the characteristics of technology projects, the concept of emerging projects, their types, stages of development, and how to develop and market them. The lectures also discussed financial technology and its applications in various fields, such as finance, insurance, and e-commerce.


 At the end of the workshop, the floor was opened for discussion on the topics that were raised. The students expressed their admiration for the content of the workshop and how useful it was to them. At the conclusion of the workshop, the university, sponsors, trainers and the organizing committee were honored.


 The workshop was attended by the Secretary-General of the University, Dr. Fouad Ismail Hanash, the Dean of the Development and Quality Assurance Center, Dr. Sharaf Al-Hamdi, the Head of the Mechatronics Engineering Department, Dr. Radwan Al-Budhaji, the Head of the Information Technology Department, Dr. Adnan Al-Mutawakel, the Head of the Information Security Department, Dr. Jamil Rashid, and the Director of Academic Affairs, Ms. Ibtisam Al-Mujmar, The Director of Activities, Ms. Sahar Al-Kahlani, Ms. Fonoun Ahmed, the human resources specialist, presenter of the event, and the Secretary General of the University Student Forum, Engineer Osama Saleh Hizam. A number of engineering department coordinators, department directors, and heads of relevant departments.


