Emirates International University



Saturday, 18 December, 2021
Emirates International University signs a cooperation agreement with Yemen Soft Systems to train students of the College of Administrative and Financial Sciences

University media

Today, Thursday, the Emirates International University signed a cooperation agreement with Yemen Soft Systems, with the aim of cooperation in the areas of training on the various systems offered by the center. Dr. Ahmed Al-Baadani, Vice President of the University, signed on behalf of the University, and Mr. Ibrahim Al-Hayouti, Director of YemenSoft, Sanaa Branch, signed for YemenSoft. The agreement aims to train the students of the Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences at the university on the systems related to the field of work of companies and other bodies, which qualifies the students to gain practical experience that enables them to practice work in a competent manner after graduation and to deal with different systems. During the signing, Dr. Ahmed Al-Baadani, Vice President of the University, stressed the importance of signing the agreement with YemenSoft, as it is one of the leading companies in the field of systems development, which contributes to enhancing students' capabilities in areas related to the labor market, which provide students with knowledge and practical experience. Noting that the university is keen on cooperation and partnership with all relevant training institutions to serve the interest and distinction of students. For his part, Mr. Ibrahim Al-Hayouti, Director of YemenSoft, Sana’a Branch, stressed the importance of cooperation and partnership with the Emirates International University, as it is one of the distinguished and pioneering universities, pointing to the company’s endeavor to make a qualitative contribution through its experiences in the financial and business market to gain students of the relevant departments in the Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences at the university. Scientific and practical skills and experiences through hands-on training on the various systems offered by the company to qualify students to enter the labor market with merit and confidence. The signing of the agreement was attended by Dr. Muhammad Al-Kahali, Dean of the College of Administrative and Financial Sciences, Dr. Fahmy Al-Daqqaf, Head of the Accounting Department, and Mr. Moeen Al-Baadani, the joint training coordinator at YemenSoft, and the Director of Marketing and Media at the university.