Emirates International University



Wednesday, 30 August, 2023
A scientific visit to the Department of Civil Engineering, Level Two, to the Geological Survey and Mineral Resources Authority

A scientific visit to the Department of Civil Engineering, Level Two, to the Geological Survey and Mineral Resources Authority


 University media


 The Department of Civil Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at the University organized this morning, Wednesday, a scientific visit for the students of the second level department, accompanied by Dr. Ahmed Al-Anwa, Professor of Engineering Geology and Engineer Saddam Issa.


 This visit comes within the framework of the scientific visits program organized by the department for its students to introduce them to the types of rocks, stones, and mineral resources. About some types of rocks and stones, the method of their formation, and understanding their use in the construction fields.


 At the end of the visit, the students expressed their happiness with this visit, as they were able to learn about the types of rocks, methods of their formation and their use, and they also got acquainted with the types of geological layers of the earth and some important minerals.