Emirates International University



Monday, 31 July, 2023
The university president chairs a meeting at the Faculty of Dentistry to follow up on the needs of the educational process

The university president chairs a meeting at the Faculty of Dentistry to follow up on the needs of the educational process and reviews the procedures for implementing the expansion plan in it


 University notification


 This morning, Dr. Nasser Al-Moufari, President of the University, chaired a meeting at the College of Dentistry to follow up the needs of the educational process, in the presence of the Vice President of the University, Dr. Ahmed Al-Badani, the Secretary-General of the University, Dr. Fouad Hanash, the Dean of the College of Dentistry, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Shami, and members of the College Council.


 Where the meeting began with a speech by the University President, Dr. Nasser Al-Moufari, who praised the outstanding level reached by the Faculty of Dentistry, and expressed his happiness at attending this meeting, which aims to discuss ways to develop the college and enhance the level of the educational process in it.


 The university president praised the efforts of all faculty members, stressing the university's continuous support for the college, in order to provide distinguished educational outputs in the field of dentistry.


 The Dean of the College, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Shami, had reviewed the most prominent achievements of the college during the previous academic year 1444 AH, the most important activities and events that were implemented, and the future plans of the college, in addition to the measures taken by the college to prepare for the launch of the first semester of the academic year 1445 AH for the second and higher levels in the college.


 After that, the university president was briefed on the various clinics and laboratories in the college, and inspected the progress of work in implementing the expansion plan in the college.


 It should be noted that the expansion plan being implemented in the College of Dentistry includes the creation of a new clinic that contains 40 modern and advanced dental chairs as well as 40 phantom devices, and a root canal treatment laboratory that contains 20 rotary devices, in addition to what the college currently owns of laboratory structure in dental clinics. It contains 72 dental chairs, phantom laboratories, gypsum and dental laboratories, and various related laboratories.