Emirates International University



Saturday, 04 February, 2023
His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education reviews the educational and academic performance of the UAE University

His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education, Professor Hussain Ali Hazeb reviews the educational and academic performance at the UAE University


 University notification


 Today, Saturday, His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Professor Hussain Ali Hazib, was briefed on the progress of the educational and academic performance at the Emirates International University. Where he was received by the representative of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Professor Muhammad Al-Wadaei, and the President of the University, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim.


 The Minister heard from the representative of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Professor Muhammad Al-Wadaei, and the President of the University, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kamim, a clarification about the educational and academic conditions of the university and the progress of performance in it.


 For his part, His Excellency the Minister affirmed the keenness to proceed with the road map initiated by the Ministry to raise the efficiency of the university and other Yemeni universities in the scientific, research and institutional aspects in accordance with the law.


 He expressed his hope to continue efforts at the same pace that the university started in the process of developing and modernizing its infrastructure and academics, meeting the requirements and facing national and international entitlements as a medical university.


 In addition, His Excellency Minister Hazeb was briefed on the progress of the educational process at the College of Medicine and toured the halls of the medical and study laboratories, during which he met with students and teachers and listened to a brief explanation from them about studying in the medical specialty and whether there were any obstacles standing in the way of academic achievement.


   His Excellency the Minister was also briefed on the office system in the university library and how students can benefit from it. He listened from library officials about the latest publications of books and scientific research that the university promotes in all its scientific disciplines, and ways to facilitate access to information for students studying at the university.


 He praised the efforts made by the university to improve and develop academic, scientific, research and administrative performance, which the university is witnessing day after day, according to its strategic plan.


 He was accompanied during the visit by the Ministry's advisor, Mr. Mahmoud Al-Selwi, and the head of the technical office, Mr. Ahmed Al-Ahsab.