Emirates International University



Tuesday, 22 February, 2022
The President of the University inaugurates a blood donation campaign on campus for Thalassemia patients and hereditary blood disorders

University media

University President Dr. Najeeb Al-Kamim launched a blood donation campaign on the university campus for Thalassemia patients and hereditary blood disorders, in coordination with the Yemeni Thalassemia Patients Association, and in cooperation with the National Center for Blood Transfusion and Research, the AB STEP medical team and the academic team. In the presence of the Dean of the College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Dr. Saleh Al Dhaheri, and the Head of the Medical Laboratories Department, Dr. Abdul Basit Al Ghouri. During the inauguration, the President of the University, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim, stressed the university's keenness to support such activities and campaigns that embody the values ​​of benevolence and giving, and encourage students and university employees to promote the principle of humanitarian assistance and community service. Pointing to the importance of donating blood, as it provides blood units for patients with thalassemia, genetic blood disorders and other patients who depend on blood transfusions. The campaign included an examination of donors, including employees, faculty members, and university students, before they donate, to ensure that their bodies are prepared for that, and to ensure their eligibility to donate. During the campaign, awareness leaflets about blood donation and its benefits were distributed. On its first day, the campaign witnessed a great turnout from the university's employees and students. The campaign is scheduled to conclude its activities on Thursday 24/0202022 AD.