Emirates International University



Wednesday, 23 February, 2022
The Department of Mechatronics Engineering organizes a scientific visit for fourth-level students to the Yemeni Egyptian Company for the manufacture and trade of medicines

University media

The Mechatronics Engineering Department at the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at the university organized today, Wednesday, a scientific visit for fourth-level students to the Yemeni Egyptian Company for Pharmaceutical Industry and Trade. In the presence of Eng. Rana Al-Areqi, assistant faculty member in the department, and Professor Sahar Al-Sayed Al-Kahlani, head of the activities department and media officer at the university. During the visit, the students got acquainted with the various departments and units "production, control, laboratories, inspection, quality, warehouses, machinery, manufacturing devices, analysis devices and quality control" and other units and manufacturing departments of the company. Learn about the steps and stages of drug manufacturing, starting with the materials entering the warehouse and ending with their exit as a final product. The students listened to an explanation from the engineers and the concerned staff in the various departments about the work mechanism in each department and the workflow of the devices and machines in the production and development departments at the level of the company’s factories, departments, production lines, standards, quality and technology used in all departments. The visit comes within the framework of the university's keenness to harmonize the theoretical and practical aspects in the relevant specialized bodies, to provide students with more knowledge and practical experience and raise the level of their scientific and practical skills.