Emirates International University



Thursday, 25 August, 2022
The College of Engineering organizes a scientific symposium for students of chemical engineering at the university and a number of students of public and private universities

The College of Engineering organizes a scientific symposium for students of chemical engineering at the university and a number of students of public and private universities


 University media


 The Department of Chemical Engineering at the College of Engineering and Information Technology organized yesterday, Wednesday, a scientific symposium entitled “Oil Refining and Petrochemical Industries” for the students of the department and a number of students of public and private universities. Head of the Chemical Engineering Department, Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Farea and Eng. Muhammad Osama Al-Moaid in the Oil and Gas Department.


 The scientific symposium dealt with crude oil refining operations and types of oil refineries, including Marib crude oil refineries, chemical composition and types, physical properties of oil, laboratory tests, various separation processes and treatments that are carried out for crude oil before the refining process.


 During the symposium, a link was made between the applied reality of devices, equipment, operational processes, and theoretical information that students study in approved courses such as balances of matter and energy and fluid mechanics and their importance in fluid flow and their applications in pumps and compressors, and the transfer of matter and heat and their importance in optimizing energy in facilities and thus reducing operating costs , as well as recognizing the importance of chemical reaction engineering in improving the quality of petroleum derivatives or obtaining other industrial products with high purity and quantity.

 From a practical experience of 25 years in oil refining and gas processing in Yemen, Japan and South Korea, Eng. Malik reviewed a detailed explanation of natural gas and liquefied gas units, types of gas and gas processing in gas production units, control and control in the facility, water treatment units in refineries, fluid flow and types of valves used in Industrial facilities.


 Where the engineer pointed to the future of chemical engineering in the future of petrochemical industries in Yemen is promising and he needs his sons of engineers in such specialization to advance and develop such an important industry that will advance the national economy and provide job opportunities.


 During the symposium, many questions submitted by students about the petrochemical industry and the importance of the field of chemical engineering as a basis for industrial renaissance in the world were answered.


 It should be noted that the petrochemical industries are a small part of the fields of study of the chemical engineering major, as various pharmaceutical industries, water treatment and purification, fertilizer and cement industries, polymer science, the plastics industry, various food industries technologies, biological systems technologies, perfume industry and environmental pollution control are studied within chemical engineering.