Emirates International University



Sunday, 10 July, 2022
#know_the_specialty   Chemical Engineering



 Chemical Engineering:


 The Department of Chemical Engineering at the Emirates International University is the only one in the Capital Municipality at the level of public and private universities. The department has general, organic and analytical chemistry laboratories, an oil properties laboratory, and a hydraulics laboratory.



 1. Preparing a group of engineers specialized in the field of chemical engineering in accordance with local and international requirements.

 2. Develop the graduate's skills and prepare him to compete in the local and regional labor market.

 3. Paying attention to applied engineering sciences and research, providing technical advice and tests in the fields of chemical engineering to serve the industrial community.

 4. Taking into account the environmental dimension and the development of environmental culture.


 About the chemical engineering program:


 The program teaches the basics of chemical engineering calculations (material and energy balancing), engineering design and operation of factories and chemical production units, economic and technical calculations in chemical industries, process engineering of chemical production units, separation and control processes, industrial process control, petroleum refining and gas operations engineering, reactor design and chemical equipment, and chemical reaction engineering.


 1. Relevant ministries such as (oil - industry and trade - water, environment, etc.)

 2. Public and private institutions related to the chemical and petrochemical industries and the environment

 3. Small, medium and large factories such as (plastic materials - cement - medicines - fertilizers - foodstuffs, etc.)

 4. Institutions of quality, standards and consumer protection

 5. Technical and technical support in companies

 6. Research centers

 7. Universities


