Emirates International University



Tuesday, 03 October, 2017
Discussing graduation projects for students of the Medical Equipment Engineering Department at the College of Engineering and Information Technology

Discussing graduation projects for students of the Medical Equipment Engineering Department at the College of Engineering and Information Technology

University media

Graduation projects were discussed for students of the Department of Medical Equipment Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at the university, where 2 of the graduation projects were discussed, as the first project submitted by students was Hussam Abdullah Ali Al-Muznaei, Abdullah Abdul Rahman Al-Hadi, Osama Ali Al-Madhaji, and supervised by Dr. Awad Ali Al-Qubati and discussion by Dr. Mushtaq Al-Azazi and Dr. Ibrahim Ali Farea Al-Qubati, internal debater from the Emirates International University, and Dr. Nashwan Al-Khalidi, external discussant from Taiz University. The project is entitled wireless ECG, which is a device for drawing the electrocardiogram.. and showing the results by means of an electrocardiogram. The heart and changes in the patient over a period of time It is a small, easy to use, portable and portable device. And the second project submitted by the students Ibrahim Al-Ansi and Ahmed Al-Ansi and supervised by Dr. Mushtaq Al-Azazi and discussing both: Dr. Nashwan Al-Khoulidi, an external debater from Taiz University, and Dr. Awad Al-Qubati, a discussant in the Department of Medical Equipment at the UAE University, and Dr. Ibrahim Al-Qubati, Head of the Department of Medical Equipment at the UAE University, which is a project to design a medical device to measure the heartbeat through the finger using the Arduino. The discussion was attended by Dr. Abdullah Farea Al-Azazi, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Ali Seif, Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Amin Aqlan, Dean of the College of Engineering and Information Technology, and a number of academics and students.