Emirates International University



Tuesday, 24 October, 2017
A scientific trip for students of the Department of Architecture for the district of Thala, Shibam Kawkaban

A scientific trip for students of the Department of Architecture for the district of Thala, Shibam Kawkaban

University media

Yesterday, Monday, the College of Engineering and Information Technology at the Emirates International University organized a scientific trip for students of the fourth-level architecture department to Thala, Shibam Kawkaban, in the field of applied studies on the urban design course. This visit comes within the framework of the keenness of the Emirates International University in general and the College of Engineering in particular on the scientific approach in preparing its outputs, as it enhances the theoretical aspects with practical applications and conducts applied field research in important topics related to preparing the student in a sound methodological preparation. During the trip, urban studies of preserving urban and architectural heritage were conducted by training students on methods of preservation and rehabilitation of historical cities and their buildings in a scientific manner and using various scientific methods in the field through application to reality. During which the students were trained on the reality of future practice that will face them and on the methods of working as a team in cooperation with others.