Emirates International University



Friday, 27 October, 2017
Completing the discussion of graduation projects for students of the Information Technology Department at the Faculty of Engineering at the university

Completing the discussion of graduation projects for students of the Information Technology Department at the Faculty of Engineering at the university

University media

Yesterday, Thursday, October 26, three graduation projects were discussed for students of the Information Technology Department at the Faculty of Engineering at the university, which is a continuation of the discussion of the projects that began to be discussed in the first week of the other groups. Where the first project submitted by the student Alaa Abdullah Al-Shami was discussed and supervised by Dr. Anwar Al-Shamiri, which is the electronic library system of the UAE University, which is an electronic system for phone applications through which the student can communicate with the central library at the university and carry out the basic operations of searching for a book, booking books, and inquiring about the status of a book. The system is distinguished by being an application for smart phones so that it is easy to access the library without the restrictions of time and place. The discussion committee approved the graduation project with distinction. The second group project was the school management system presented by students Fawaz Al-Jroubi, Osama Sufyan Al-Qudsi and Ali Muhammad Al-Waqidi, and supervised by Dr. Ibrahim Al-Sarmi, which is an electronic school management system via the Internet to manage student affairs and academic affairs related to curricula, academic levels, and teaching staff. It aims to facilitate the process of communication between the school administration and students, as well as with parents to facilitate the process of following up their children in school, inquiring about the results of exams and school activities, and providing students with curricula for all levels in electronic form. successfully. The discussion committee approved the graduation project with an excellent grade. In the third group, the two students, Hajar Abdulelah Al-Mushki and Wad Najeeb Al-Halami, submitted a graduation project for customer relationship management using the rules of association supervised by Dr. Ahmed Sultan, which is an electronic system that organizes the contents of shopping centers based on the needs of customers and the relationship of items with each other. The system supports live data from shopping centers and gives relational indicators between the items, facilitating the decision-making process in the redistribution of items in the commercial markets. The discussion committee approved the graduation project with an excellent grade. The discussion committee was formed from: Dr. Ibrahim Al-Sarmi, Dr. Ahmed Sultan, Dr. Akram Othman and Dr. Anwar Al-Shamiri, and the discussion was attended by the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Dean of the College of Engineering and Information Technology, the Head of the Information Technology Department, and a number of university students.