Emirates International University



Wednesday, 11 April, 2018
The Minister of Higher Education inspects the progress of the educational process at the university and reviews its infrastructure

The Minister of Higher Education inspects the progress of the educational process at the university and reviews its infrastructure

University media

The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Mr. Hussein Hazeb, was briefed on the most prominent achievements of the Emirates International University in terms of advanced infrastructure and quality laboratories, in addition to the achievements at all levels, during his visit to the university yesterday. The Minister was received by the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Prof. Abdullah Al-Azazi, the Secretary-General of the University, Professor Ahmed Al-Baadani, the Dean of the College of Medicine, Prof. Saleh Al-Dhahiri, the Dean of the College of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Amin Aqlan, the Dean of the College of Administration, Prof. Ghamdan Al-Athari, the Dean of Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ali Seif, and heads Departments in the medical, engineering and administrative colleges, and a number of members of the university’s faculty and administrative staff. At the beginning of the visit, the Vice President of the University welcomed His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Professor Hussein Hazeb, and gave an explanation about the university and its development since its establishment, referring to its educational curricula, its medical, engineering and administrative colleges, and its distinguished academic and administrative staff. In a statement to the university’s media, the Minister of Higher Education said, “The university has tools and has human, material and academic capabilities. We can say that on the general level it is excellent. In all cases, the UAE University is one of the universities that the Ministry has an impression of that it is one of the first universities in the Republic of Yemen, and what we saw today gives an indication The university is heading towards what is better and what we aspire to.” Minister Hazeb praised the university's infrastructure and academic cadres, considering the university one of the important tributaries to support education in Yemen and help the government through national partnership. The minister said, "We encourage investment in the private educational sector as a tributary to government educational institutions, and we in the ministry have well-known policies that we hope universities will adopt and address any problems. With regard to the UAE University, our impression is good through parents and the level of demand and demand to join it, and this is what we in the ministry have seen." . The Minister also conveyed his greetings to the University’s Board of Trustees and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, stressing his continuity in supporting the development and improvement of the quality of private higher education in Yemen and its upgrading. During the visit, the Minister of Higher Education inspected the level of infrastructure and equipment, where he inspected the laboratories of medical colleges, and visited the laboratories of pharmacy, industrial pharmacy, general anatomy laboratories, general chemistry, analytical chemistry, biochemistry, phantom laboratory, microbiology and parasitology laboratories, blood and immunology laboratories, tissue laboratories, pharmacology and toxicology laboratories, and medicine laboratories. Dental, gypsum lab, consulting clinics, orthodontic lab, dental anatomy lab, and physiological lab. The Minister also visited medical laboratories and various joint laboratories in medical specialties. The Minister also inspected the laboratories of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at the university, where he visited the oil and gas laboratories, “drilling mud fluids laboratory, geology laboratory, reservoir properties laboratory, and oil properties laboratory”, surveying laboratory, mechatronics and communications laboratories, industrial control laboratories, logical circuit laboratories, electrical and electronic circuits laboratory, measurements laboratory, physics laboratory and computer laboratories. . He listened from specialists in medical and engineering colleges and departments to an explanation of the various laboratories, devices, laboratories and equipment, their scientific functions, advantages and scientific goal. The Minister of Higher Education witnessed some of the students' lectures as well as the application in laboratories and urged them to strive hard in studying to obtain the highest educational attainment. Minister Hazeb also visited the central library of the university, which is the first among private universities in Yemen, and reviewed the various sections of books and listened to an explanation from the librarian about the classification system and the electronic library system. At the end of the visit, the Vice President of the University renewed the university’s thanks and appreciation, on behalf of the Board of Trustees, to His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education for his attendance and honor of the University, describing this visit as a step that reflects the interest of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Minister personally in the institutions of private higher education and his honor by the UAE University with this visit, promising that this year will be years of quality and self-assessment. The Secretary-General of the university, Mr. Ahmed Al-Baadani, thanked the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research for his visit to the university, stressing that the university will witness, during the coming period, the completion of the work of continuous development and modernization and raising the level of performance in a way that contributes to providing quality education that takes into account the rapid developments in the labor market.