Emirates International University



Saturday, 14 April, 2018
Emirates International University and Tanfeedh Foundation for Development organize a charity bazaar for the Burn Center at the Republican Hospital

Emirates International University and Tanfeedh Foundation for Development organize a charity bazaar for the Burn Center at the Republican Hospital

University media

Tanfeedh Foundation for Development and Humanitarian Action, in partnership with the Emirates International University in Sana’a, organized a charity bazaar under the slogan “Because I Have a Heart” today, Saturday, April 14, to support the Burn Center at the Republican Hospital, at the university’s headquarters, the College of Engineering and Information Technology building. The implementation of the charitable bazaar is part of the extracurricular activities held by the university and aimed at serving the community, as it was organized under the auspices of a number of companies, exhibitions and volunteers. The proceeds of the charitable bazaar go to support burn victims at the Burn Center at the Republican Hospital in Sana’a. At the opening of the bazaar event, many words were presented, including a speech by the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Abdullah Farea Al-Azazi, who greeted all the attendees and participants in the bazaar, as well as the Tanfeedh Foundation for Development, and on behalf of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Professor Sultan Obaid Al-Shaya and all members of the Board of Trustees, the Vice President stressed the importance of Establishing such an event to activate the humanitarian role between male and female students in order to serve the members of society in all its categories and segments and to draw joy and happiness on the faces of the target groups to achieve the highest levels of social solidarity. The bazaar included a number of artistic activities and recreational games, as well as a number of products, handicrafts, Arabic, Sana'a and oriental foods, and sweets of all kinds. The event was attended by His Excellency the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Eng. Hisham Sharaf Abdullah, the Undersecretary of the Capital Municipality, Mr. Hammoud Al-Naqib, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Abdullah Farea Al-Azazi, the Secretary General of the University, Mr. Ahmed Al-Baadani, the President of the Tanfeedh Foundation for Development Amal Al-Hajari, the Director of Projects at UNICEF Muhammad Al-Asadi, and a number of faculty members administration, a large number of university students, a number of university guests, and the Tanfeedh Foundation for Development.