Emirates International University



Monday, 16 July, 2018
The President of the University inspects the progress of the final exams in the second semester of the College of Engineering and Management

The President of the University inspects the progress of the final exams in the second semester of the College of Engineering and Management

University media

Naguib Al-Kumaim, President of the University, inspected the progress of the final examination process for the second semester of the academic year 2017/2018 at the College of Engineering and Management. During his visit to the examination halls, the President of the UAE University reassured the regularity of the exams and the students' commitment to the regulations and controls of the examination committees. He stressed the necessity of the presence of the professor of the subject to clarify the questions so that the exam runs easily and to provide a comfortable and calm atmosphere for the students. The president of the university also urged male and female students to stay away from tension and psychological pressure while taking the exams, wishing them continued success and excellence in their scientific and practical career.