Emirates International University



Tuesday, 04 December, 2018
Discussing graduation projects for students of the Management Information Systems Department at the Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences at the university

Discussing graduation projects for students of the Management Information Systems Department at the Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences at the university

University media

The Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences at the university, the Department of Information Systems, discussed the graduation projects for the department’s students, in the presence of the university president, Dr. Najib Al-Kumaim, the university’s vice president, Dr. Abdullah Al-Azazi, the dean of the faculty of administrative sciences, Dr. Sinan Ghallab, and the dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, Dr. Khalil Al-Wajeeh. The student groups, which were divided into five groups, presented five different projects as follows: The first project “The Role of Decision Support Systems in the Development of the Commercial Sector” presented by the students (Ghamdan Sallab, Abdullah Malik, Muhammad Hizam Sarhan, Walid Khaled Abdul-Mughni and Yahya Hussein Abdullah) under the supervision of Dr. Sinan Ghallab and the second project “The Role of Air Information Systems in Decision Making in MTN” presented by the students (Amna Nasser, Safaa Al-Mahdi and Intisar Al-Muradi) under the supervision of Dr. Akram Ali Othman and the fourth project “The Role of Geographical Information Systems for the Development of the Communications Sector” presented by the students (Rosa Muhammad Harhara, Arwa Ahmed Ali, Aisha Saleh and Anhar Saleh Muhammad) and the fifth project “The Impact of Performance Development on Total Quality Management in Yemeni Manufacturing Companies” presented by the student Samar Abdel Hakim Congenital and under the supervision of Dr. Sinan Ghallab. The projects submitted by the students of the Management Information Systems Department contributed to studying the role and impact of decision support systems and expert systems and benefiting from knowledge and modern technologies in the commercial and communications sector in Yemen. Studying the effectiveness of information systems and their application, such as geographic information systems, in the development, development and information planning in the Republic of Yemen. All the submitted projects won the approval of the supervisors and attendees during the discussion, and the projects presented an outstanding level for all students in the department, which reflects the university’s level in providing qualitative education to its students and the practical and field training that students receive during their studies at the university. The discussion was attended by a number of faculty members and their assistants, male and female students from various university departments.