Emirates International University



Tuesday, 01 January, 2019
Students of the Emirates International University in Sana’a participate in the 1 / 1 hygiene campaign

Students of the Emirates International University in Sana’a participate in the 1 / 1 hygiene campaign

University media

Emirates International University students participated in the annual 1/1 cleanliness campaign organized by the Capital Municipality to clean up the capital’s neighborhoods under the slogan (2019 Year of Cleanliness and Development), in partnership with the community, national, official government and private sector institutions. The university students launched the campaign this morning, Tuesday, by cleaning their university campus, the neighborhood located in it, and the streets leading to it. This campaign, in which a large number of students from all faculties and specializations of the university participated, aims to achieve a good level of cleanliness, preserve and protect the environment, and to show the capital’s neighborhoods in a proper appearance, to be clean, exemplary, and an address for their residents. The campaign also aimed to spread the values ​​of hygiene and its importance in establishing a clean environment and creating a community. healthy.