Emirates International University



Thursday, 03 January, 2019
Sponsored by the UAE University and implemented by Mada Foundation, the training program is concluded How do you choose your university major for high school students

Sponsored by the UAE University and implemented by Mada Foundation, the training program is concluded How do you choose your university major for high school students

University media

Today, Thursday, the training program How to choose your university major was concluded, which was organized by Mada Foundation for high school students (Friends of Mada) with coach Mufeed Sultan, where the conclusion was sponsored by the Emirates International University. The training included more than 100 male and female students from 42 public and private schools in the capital Sana'a, out of a total of 1257 students of Mada's Friends. At the end of the training program, the President of the Emirates International University, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim, handed over the certificates of participation in the course, in the presence of the deans of the medical, engineering and administrative faculties of the university, and the technical advisor to Mada Foundation, Professor Ezz Al-Din Al-Haribi, Zuhair Al-Salahi, and the Foundation’s staff. The students listened to a detailed explanation of the faculties, their majors, their scientific departments, the fields and learning outcomes for each department, and the features of the UAE University in terms of infrastructure, teaching staff, modern and advanced curricula and teaching methods that keep pace with the rapid developments in various scientific fields. At the end of the event, a visit was arranged for the students to the various laboratories and departments of the university, during which the students were briefed on the capabilities of the university.