Emirates International University



Sunday, 06 January, 2019
The UAE University honors its first employees and enrollees since the founding year 2014

The UAE University honors its first employees and enrollees since the founding year 2014

University media

Today, Sunday, the Emirates International University honored its first employees who joined it in its founding year 2014, with a ceremony held at the university in honor of the occasion. The honoring comes at the directives of His Excellency the Chairman of the University’s Board of Trustees, Professor Sultan bin Obaid Al-Shaya, who pays attention and appreciation to the university’s employees in appreciation of the efforts they have made and are making alongside their fellow university employees to move the university towards excellence and modernity. The President of the University had expressed his thanks and appreciation to all the university employees and to the founding employees of 2014, on behalf of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees and the Secretary General of the University. It is paid by everyone for the sake of the success of their university, which is reflected in the level of service provided to students, the level of excellence of the university and its prestigious position among its peers. At the end of the ceremony, the President of the University, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim, and the Vice-President of the University, Dr. Abdullah Al-Azazi, presented certificates of appreciation to the honored employees of the university who were enrolled in the founding year 2014.