Emirates International University



Tuesday, 22 January, 2019
Discussing graduation projects for first batch students in the Department of Mechatronics Engineering

Discussing graduation projects for first batch students in the Department of Mechatronics Engineering

University media

The College of Engineering and Information Technology - Department of Mechatronics Engineering discussed the graduation projects for the first batch students in the department, in the presence of the President of the University, Dr. Naguib Al-Kamim, the Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Dr. Hamdan Al-Shamy, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Khalil Al-Wajeeh, the Head of the Mechatronics Engineering Department, Dr. Hatem Al-Dais, and a number of department heads, faculty members and their assistants at the university. Dr. Hatem Al-Dais, Head of the Mechatronics Engineering Department, initially welcomed the attendees and emphasized that their attendance encourages the department's staff to work with greater determination for competitive and distinguished educational outcomes. He also welcomed the guests from the local community and the labor market, including Eng. Nabil Bakhit, head of the microcontrollers department in Ma'rib refineries, Eng. Hisham Manea, supervisor of the control department at Safer Company, Mr. Abdel Karim Mohamed Abdel Ghafour, CEO of Yemen Prime Company, and Mr. Zakaria Abdel Tawab, Public Relations Officer at Saba Phone. He stressed that the department's goal in the future, God willing, is to qualify competitive graduates with scientific and technical expertise and knowledge that will qualify them to join the labor market upon their graduation. The students reviewed the graduation projects within the framework of 4 groups that presented four projects. The first project was entitled: “Modernization of Ma’rib Refineries - The Yemen Oil Refining Company” presented by the students “Marwan Al-Sayyad, Muhammad Sharhabeel, Aws Al-Akhali, Hussam Ghanem, Ahmed Al-Osaimi, Hajar Al-Maqaleh and Haneen Al-Srouri” and supervised by Engineer Yasser Bakheet and Hisham Mana Supervisor of the Control Department in Safer Company. While the second group presented its project entitled: "Design and implementation of a machine for writing with a pen and laser sculpting with several inputs" presented by the students "Abdullah Tamish, Rashid Al-Nafish, Ahmed Al-Mawry, Ibrahim Al-Saydi, Ibrahim Awada and Muhammad Awada" and supervised by Dr. Hatem Al-Dais. The third group presented its project "The Electronic Biological Man", which was presented by the students "Mohammed Al-Yatari, Abdul-Ilah Maarouf and Jamal Tawfiq Al-Hammadi" and was supervised by Dr. Farouk Al-Fahidi. While the fourth group presented the "Customer Service Robot" project, which was presented by the students "Al-Waleed Abdul-Malik Hatem, Saddam Al-Azani, Haitham Al-Moalimi and Muhammad Al-Jaradi" and was supervised by Prof. Dr. Ahmed Sultan Al-Hijami. Eng. Nabil Muhammad Yahya Bakheet, Head of the Microcontrollers Department in Ma’rib Refineries, had praised the department’s students’ project in developing control systems in Ma’rib refineries using PLC, which is important in reducing waste and increasing refinery productivity, stressing that the students’ project was initially approved for its experiment. Practically in refineries, and that such a development, which would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars if it was carried out by an external company, was carried out by the students of the UAE University with all professionalism and ability. At the conclusion of the discussion, Prof. Najeeb Al-Kamim, President of the University, stressed the distinguished level reached by the projects of the first batch of the Mechatronics Department, which reflects the knowledge and skill development reached by the students of the department, as well as its connection to society and finding solutions to realistic problems, pointing out that the time of theoretical education has passed and that the prevailing trend today Especially in applied sciences is learning by doing or applied and practical learning. The university president considered that the presence of representatives from the labor market reflects the university’s confidence in its outputs and students and the increase in their chances of joining the labor market. Focusing on qualitative education, ensuring quality, and encouraging and nurturing creative people, in order to enhance its distinguished approach, which it has followed during the previous years since its establishment, under the direct sponsorship and follow-up of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, His Excellency Professor Sultan bin Obaid Al Shaya, and the Secretary General of the University, Dr. Ahmed Al-Baadani. We note here that all projects will be published in detail, successively, and for each project separately.