Emirates International University



Thursday, 28 February, 2019
The UAE University organizes a training program for graduates of the pharmacy department in Yemeni universities

With the participation of more than 600 trainees The UAE University organizes a training program for graduates of the pharmacy department in Yemeni universities

University media

Today, Thursday, the Emirates International University, in cooperation with the initiative of a pharmacist and imprint, organized the modern drug marketing program and its role in supporting national products for graduates of the pharmacy department in Yemeni universities, which was launched at exactly eight in the morning in the hall of the Saudi German Hospital in the capital, Sana’a. More than 600 pharmacy graduate students participated in the training program, in which Prof. Dr. Mukhtar Al-Gharibi, Head of Clinical Pharmacy Department at the UAE University, lectured. The inauguration of the program was attended by representatives of the General Authority for Medicines, pharmaceutical companies and scientific offices, and the opening included speeches and technical paragraphs. In the speech delivered by the President of the Emirates International University, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kamim, in which he welcomed the attendees, participants, male and female trainees, and wished them to make the most of the program, which would contribute to their distinction and achieve competition with merit and confidence in the labor market. The President of the University considered that this event and the large attendance represented the culmination of the support given by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the University, His Excellency Professor Sultan bin Obaid Al-Shaya in various scientific and academic fields, including, for example, the support that contributed to the success of this program offered to our pharmacists who are our first national products that are proud of As well as supporting the homemade pharmaceutical products that were the slogan of the event for this day. Dr. Al-Kumaim stressed that there is no health in the absence of interest in medicines, as countries that give priority to health must pay attention to medicines and what is related to them. The president of the university also indicated that the university's interest in supporting such programs is one of the main drivers of successful drug marketing and industrial development and a strong means for health in general, but is also a major driver for research and innovation in the medical field. The training program was presented by the head of the clinical pharmacy department at the university, Prof. Dr. Mukhtar Al-Garafi, on several axes. The first was about modern pharmaceutical marketing and its role in supporting national products, while the second axis included the definition of CV in general, medical CV in particular, and a cover letter, and the third axis included corporate questions. Pharmacological and job interviews. At the end of the program, the president of the university was honored with the program’s shield on behalf of the trainees, and a number of pharmaceutical companies were honored, including: The Saba Pharma Company is represented by Dr. Amr Wahas, the Pharmaceutical Company is represented by Dr. Ibrahim Al-Hababi, the Egyptian Company for Pharmaceuticals is represented by Dr. Issa Al-Shuja and the Yemen International Company. (Pharma Care) and Al-Jabal Pharmaceutical Company, represented by Dr. Abbas Al-Jabal. It is worth noting that Prof. Dr. Mukhtar Al-Garafi, Head of the Clinical Pharmacy Department at the UAE University, is a certified trainer in many national companies and the best representative and ambassador of the UAE University as one of the symbols of pharmacists specializing in this field at the level of Yemen.