Emirates International University



Thursday, 07 March, 2019
Discussing scientific projects in Programmable Logic Control or PLC for fourth-level mechatronics engineering students

Discussing scientific projects in Programmable Logic Control or PLC for fourth-level mechatronics engineering students

University media

In the presence of the head of the Mechatronics Department, Dr. Hatem Al-Dais, and the control teacher, Eng. Mahran Al-Absi, scientific projects submitted by students of the fourth-level Mechatronics Engineering Department in PLC were discussed today, where three scientific projects were discussed and reviewed. The projects discussed included: Students' first project: Entitled automatic conversion between different energy sources such as the main grid, solar energy and an alternative energy source or a backup generator. The system organizes priorities between these sources and can be applied in practice. The project submitted by the students: Hossam Jamal Gehish Abdul Qawi Amer Akram Al Husseini believer stories Ismail Al-Qiz Mazen Al-Mahbashi Ghamdan Taher Ibrahim Al-Hudhaifi. The project submitted by the second group was entitled a sequential take-off motor control circuit. This circuit works to regulate the take-off of the different units in the network to ensure that there is no disruption in the supply of electrical energy. The project submitted by the students: 1- Yasser Al-Sarmi 2- Abdullah Al-Saqqaf 3- Akram Al Jarmozy 4- Nasr Al-Ashwal 5- Muhammad Al-Faqih 6- Hussein Al-Bashiri 7- Salman Al-Qubati The third group presented a project on designing a safe operation circuit using the classic control for factories, power plants and facilities that need special protection for some parts of them. The project submitted by the students: Osama Al-Hamdani Mohamed Ayed on the pictures solace blah Ibrahim Al Mashriqi Nashwan Malik Ahmed Munif Mohammed Al Yahyawi Mohamed Awada It is worth noting that the discussion of these projects comes in light of the department's orientation towards practical education and the transfer of students' acquired skills and knowledge into real projects that serve the community and the local environment.