Emirates International University



Saturday, 09 March, 2019
A workshop to discuss the draft of the Emirates International University 2025 strategy

A workshop to discuss the draft of the Emirates International University 2025 strategy

University media

Today, Saturday, March 9, the Emirates International University held a mini-workshop for the University Strategy 2025 Development Committee, in the presence of the university’s president, his deputy and all members of the committee, and in the presence of the strategic planning and quality consultant Prof. At the beginning of the workshop, the Chairman of the University’s Board of Trustees, His Excellency Mr. Sultan bin Obaid Al-Shaya, welcomed the team participating in the paper, as well as the strategic benefactor, Prof. Dr. Noaman Fairouz, who he considered a qualitative and distinct addition to the University. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees stressed that the purpose of developing the strategy and adopting its implementation is the student being the focus of the educational process and its development, and that this goal was reflected in a practical reality represented in the developmental trend witnessed by the university with the support, guidance, care and follow-up of the Board of Trustees. His Excellency the Chairman of the Board of Trustees indicated that the goal is not to create an educated student only, but to create a normal human being who is aware of the rights and duties of life, who can turn to society, work institutions and academic institutions to be positive and effective, whether inside or outside Yemen. The international and local market, to represent Yemen and to convey a civilized image to others. The President of the University, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim, stressed during the opening of the workshop that adopting the university’s strategy represents a clear step towards quality, excellence, leadership, employing technology and the finest means, methods and practices that simulate the commitment to standards of academic accreditation, international accreditation, laws and regulations governing higher education in Yemen, and striving towards building a distinguished academic institution. its performance and outputs. During the course of the workshop, the components of the draft were discussed based on the matrix of the methodology for developing the strategy prepared in advance, as these components were represented by the results of the evaluation of the previous university strategy 2014-2019 AD and the results of the documentary survey of the university’s data and legal and program documents and the results of the internal and external strategic environmental analysis of the university as well as the results of strategic alternatives according to the matrix The four-way analysis (swot) in addition to the strategic directions of the corresponding universities (locally - Arab - internationally) and the proposals of the strategic directions of the university 2025, (vision - mission - values ​​- goals) and a review of the general and specific educational goals of the university. It is worth noting that the foregoing represents a prelude to the convening of the final workshop, in the official presence of the relevant authorities, which is scheduled to be held early next week.