Emirates International University



Sunday, 28 April, 2019
Under the auspices of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the UAE University organizes a symposium to review the damages and losses caused to the educational process

Under the auspices of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the UAE University organizes a symposium to review the damages and losses caused to the educational process

University media

Today, Sunday, the Emirates International University, under the auspices of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, organized an event on the effects of aggression on the educational process in coordination with the Ministry of Higher Education, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Technical Education. In the opening speech, the President of the University, Dr. Naguib Al-Kumaim, welcomed the participants in the symposium from the ministries and concerned and relevant authorities And from the academic and administrative staff of the university, pointing to the importance of holding such an event that reviews the most prominent damages and losses caused to the educational process and its facilities, and emphasizes the steadfastness of educational institutions in carrying out its lofty and noble mission. The president of the university referred to the difficulties that the university faced, starting from the first academic year, as the university buildings, laboratories and infrastructure were almost completely destroyed as a result of the bombing of the Attan area, which led to the suspension of the educational process, which was met with great care by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, His Excellency Mr. Sultan Bin Obaid Al-Shaya to move the university buildings to new buildings and make all the equipment that helped to restore the educational process and its continuity in order to preserve the interests of the students and the continuation of the university in providing its services to the community and activating its role in holding conferences, seminars, studies and scientific research that would improve the educational process. For his part, Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Ali Sharaf El-Din, stressed the strategic dimensions of the aggression in targeting Yemen's land, people and civilization and its continued destruction of its educational institutions. The Deputy Minister of Higher Education referred to the damage suffered by governmental and private higher education institutions in all governorates as a result of being directly targeted at a cost of 25 billion and 765 million riyals, and indirectly at a cost of 88 billion and 137 million riyals. Dr. Sharaf El-Din attributed the aggression’s targeting of education, institutes and universities to his realization of the importance of education in building a strong generation armed with science and knowledge, calling for the establishment of an operations room that includes all parties of public, technical and higher education, limiting its damages, issuing it with one content and translating it into several languages ​​supported by images and data. For his part, the Deputy Minister of Technical Education and Vocational Training, Dr. Khaled Al-Hawali, reviewed the direct and indirect damages suffered by technical and vocational education institutions and community colleges in all governorates as a result of being targeted by the aggression at a cost of more than 600 million dollars. He outlined the efforts made to rehabilitate and operate more than 22 educational institutions after being targeted by the aggression.. He called for serious interaction with the national vision to build the modern Yemeni state, in a way that encourages the localization of knowledge, scientific research, the quality of the educational process, and overcoming the challenges facing the development process. In turn, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education, Abdul Aziz Al-Jindari, reviewed the damages suffered by schools in various governorates as a result of the aggression, which amounted to more than three thousand schools. The paper presented by the university dealt with the most prominent damage and losses suffered by the UAE University during the previous years due to the suspension of the educational process and its targeting at a total cost of about three million and 162 thousand dollars. The event was attended by the advisors of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Muhammad Daifallah, Dr. Fouad Hassan, Dr. Munther Ishaq, the Vice President of the University, Dr. Abdullah Al-Azazi, the advisor to the President of the University’s Board of Trustees, Dr. Hamdan Al-Shami, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Dr. Saleh Al-Dhahiri, and the Dean of the Faculty of Administration, Dr. Sinan Ghallab and a number of officials in the Ministries of Education, Technical, Vocational, Higher and Scientific Research, and a number of university presidents and directors of executive offices from the authorities.