Emirates International University



Monday, 28 May, 2018
A workshop to develop the strategy of the departments of the College of Engineering at the UAE University

A workshop to develop the strategy of the departments of the College of Engineering at the UAE University

University media

Today, Monday, the College of Engineering and Information Technology at the Emirates International University, under the generous patronage of the President of the University, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim, organized a workshop to develop the strategy of the departments of the College of Engineering and review programs for the departments of "Oil and Gas Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Information Security". At the beginning of the workshop, the President of the University, Dr. Najeeb Muhammad Al-Kumaim, welcomed all the participants, including external and internal experts, and participants from the academic and administrative staff, praising the efforts being made to produce the best results in a way that enhances the approach of excellence that the University has followed since its inception. The president of the university indicated that the university carried the slogan of excellence and quality and sought to achieve that slogan on the ground, which was embodied in practical steps that contributed to the continuation of achieving excellence in the quality of educational and academic services provided by the university. Noting that the workshop represents a next step for the implementation of the university’s strategy that was approved by the University Council, as well as preparing the strategy of the College of Engineering and its approval by the University’s Board of Trustees, and the sponsorship and follow-up of its implementation by the Chairman of the University’s Board of Trustees, His Excellency Professor Sultan bin Obaid Al Shaya and all members of the Council. The workshop follows the approval of the college’s strategy, whereby committees were formed to develop strategies for the departments of mechatronics, oil and gas, chemical engineering and information security headed by the heads of departments. Distinguished external committees were contracted with specialists and academic experience in the field of characterization and academic development in order to review and update program documents in line with technological development The accelerating needs of the labor market and the requirements of society, as well as with international and national standards in this field and within the templates of the Academic Accreditation Council. The workshop witnessed dividing the participants into four groups according to the specific disciplines. The program strategy documents were reviewed. Discussions were held about their content by experts and participants in the workshop. The content of the documents was enriched in the aspects that required addition or modification, and the absorption of the proposals of experts and relevant participants. The head of the Mechatronics Department, Dr. Hatem Al-Dais, presented a draft of the department's strategy development, which included the department's proposed vision, mission and objectives. These suggestions were enriched by the participants and approved due to lack of comprehension of the observations. Dr. Farouk Al-Fahidi, member of the Program Description and Courses Review Committee and member of the National Committee for Mechatronics Program Description, presented a draft proposed program document that included the message, objectives, learning outcomes, graduate specifications, teaching methods, assessment, study plan and corresponding reference programs. The contents of the draft were discussed by the participants, and all observations were absorbed to achieve the goal of graduating qualified scientific cadres capable of production, research, development and competition. Dr. Ibrahim Farea, Head of the Oil and Gas Engineering Department, also reviewed the department's strategy draft document, and Dr. Mahyoub Abdul Rahman, draft document of the program. The two documents were approved after absorbing all the observations. Also, the strategy of the Department of Chemical Engineering and the program document were approved after they were presented by Dr. Abdul Bari Al-Borani and included all the observations. Similarly, the strategy of the Information Security Department was reviewed by Dr. Anwar Al-Shamiri, and it was approved, as presented by Dr. Ibrahim Al-Sarmi, a draft document of the program and was discussed and comments were made. The workshop aimed to prepare the final strategic directions for the college departments, prepare the professional standards, the required competencies, and the expected learning outcomes in accordance with the general strategy of the university and the College of Engineering, the national standards, the standards of the Academic Accreditation Council, and the quality assurance of higher education in Yemen and the international standards applicable in this field. The importance of developing program strategies comes within the framework of commitment to quality standards and academic development and the requirements of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to improve the level of educational programs and services and keep pace with the continuous change in the needs and requirements of the labor market to qualify a competent graduate capable of serving the community and competing well in the national and regional labor market. It is worth noting that the university had previously approved its general strategy document 2020-2025 in the University Council, as well as holding a workshop to develop the College of Engineering’s strategy and approving the strategy document, which was held on May 2, 2019 AD, after it was presented at the expanded workshop that was held under the patronage of the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Higher Education with wide governmental participation. The University President and Dean of the College of Engineering and Information Technology at the University honored the participants at the conclusion of the workshop with certificates of participation.