Emirates International University



Tuesday, 29 October, 2019
The University organizes a strategy development workshop for the College of Administrative and Financial Sciences

Sponsored by the Ministry of Higher Education The University organizes a strategy development workshop for the College of Administrative and Financial Sciences

University media

The College of Administrative and Financial Sciences at the UAE University organized a workshop to develop and update the college’s strategy and program documents in light of the university’s strategy 2025, under the auspices of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Presidency of the University. During the opening of the workshop, the President of the University, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kamim, welcomed the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. Ghaleb Al-Qans, the advisors of the Minister of Higher Education and the academics participating in the workshop, thanking them for their efforts to develop the strategy of the College of Administrative and Financial Sciences. The university president indicated that the development of the college's strategy comes in implementation of the university's 2025 strategy, which was previously launched at the beginning of this year. The President of the University confirmed the support of the presidency of the Board of Trustees, represented by the Chairman of the Board, His Excellency Professor Sultan bin Obaid Al-Shaya For his part, the aspects of development and modernization of the university, its faculties and programs in line with developments in the educational fields globally. While the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Ghaleb Al-Qans, praised the university's excellence and its initiative in responding to the implementation of all the requirements circulated by the ministry to universities, which reflects the university's keenness to adhere to the standards of academic accreditation and the Ministry of Higher Education. For his part, Adviser to the Minister of Higher Education, Dr. Muhammad Dhaifallah, confirmed that the university had made great strides during its journey in order to achieve excellence, which would be reflected in its qualitative outputs. The workshop, which was presented by the Dean of the College, Dr. Muhammad Al-Kahali, aimed to develop the college’s strategy in line with the University’s 2025 strategy, prepare strategic directions, professional standards and competencies required for college graduates and expected learning outcomes, and pave the way for the development of the department’s strategy, and then review, develop and update the quality academic programs taught In the university. The workshop was attended by the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Hassan Abdel-Mughni, the Director of the Quality Department, Prof. Ahmed Al-Mawry, the Legal Adviser, Prof. Dr. Fouad Al-Haj, the Advisor to the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Director General of the Information Technology Center, Dr. Fouad Abdel-Razzaq, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the university, Prof. Khalil Al-Wajeeh, and a number of department heads University academics and administrators.