Emirates International University



Sunday, 10 November, 2019
The university honors its winning students in the National Projects Competition and the Yemeni Innovator Competition

The university honors its winning students in the National Projects Competition and the Yemeni Innovator Competition

University media

In the presence of the Advisor to the Minister of Higher Education and Executive Director of the Information Technology Center of the Ministry, Prof. Fouad Abdel Razzaq, the Emirates International University honored its winning students in the national competition for projects organized by the Information Technology Center of the Ministry of Higher Education and the Yemeni Innovator competition organized by the Ministry of Trade and Industry. During the honoring event, the President of the University, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kamim, welcomed the attendees and praised the excellence achieved by the students of the Mechatronics Department who won the national competitions, pointing to the university’s appreciation for the Higher Education Information Technology Center, which organized the National Projects Competition for its support and sponsorship of students’ graduation projects in Yemeni universities, during which the university students won the center The first, as well as the university's appreciation to the Ministry of Trade and Industry, which organized the Yemeni Innovator Competition, during which university students won the tenth place. The President of the University stressed the support of the University, represented by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, His Excellency Mr. Sultan bin Obaid Al-Shaya, to all its students, the creative students in all the faculties and specializations of the University, and their support in their innovative projects that aim to provide practical solutions to societal problems. Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim indicated that the university's distinguished outputs are a result of the university's hosting the best specialized cadres in the university's faculties and specializations. For his part, Dr. Fouad Abdel Razzaq, Advisor to the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and Executive Director of the Higher Education Information Technology Center, praised the university’s academic staff, which contributed to the excellence of the university’s students and its outputs, noting that the university students’ achievement of winning first place in the national competition for projects established by the Information Technology Center is a fruit of the fruit. Excellence for the university’s staff, its educational environment, and the quality infrastructure that the university possesses in its laboratories, laboratories and educational curricula. Dr. Fouad Abdel Razzaq expressed his admiration for the university's interest in its students and graduates and for encouraging their creativity. He extended thanks and appreciation to the leadership of the university and its affiliates for their contributions to community service through projects through which university students provide solutions to real and realistic problems. Dr. Hatem Al-Dais, Head of the Mechatronics Engineering Department, congratulated the honored students and urged their colleagues to follow the example of the honored students through the distinguished educational attainment that qualifies them to present innovative and creative projects and benefit from the support provided by the university to its distinguished and outstanding students in various fields of study. The winning students of the department had given a brief presentation of their projects, and then the president of the university, with him the advisor of the Minister of Higher Education and the executive director of the Information Technology Center, Prof. Dr. Fouad Abdel-Razzaq, the academic deputy, Prof. Dr. Hassan Abdel-Mughni, the Dean of the College of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Khalil Al-Wajeeh, and the head of the Mechatronics Department, Dr. Hatem Al-Dais, honored the winning students And handing over the sums of money allocated to the winning projects, as well as certificates of appreciation, and honoring the academic staff supervising these projects with the university shield and certificates of appreciation. It is noteworthy that the winning projects are a project for the design and implementation of a digital machine for writing and laser engraving in the first place, submitted by students Abdullah Abdulaziz Tamish, Rashid Abdullah Al-Nafish, Ahmed Shaif Al-Mawri, Ibrahim Ali Al-Saidi, Ibrahim Abdel Nasser Awada and Muhammad Abdel Nasser Awada, and supervised by Dr. Hatem Al-Dais, head of the Mechatronics Department at the university. And the Autonomous Industrial Man project, presented by the students, Muhammad Al-Yatari, Jamal Tawfiq Al-Hammadi, and Abd Al-Ilah Maarouf, and supervised by Dr. Farouk Al-Fahidi. The event was attended by Prof. Fouad Al-Hajj, the legal advisor to the university, the head of the oil and gas department, Dr. Ibrahim Farea, the head of the information technology department, Dr. Anwar Al-Shamiri, the head of the civil engineering department, Prof. Ahmed Al-Wazaf, project supervisors, a number of faculty members and their assistants at the College of Engineering, and heads of departments and related departments at the university.