Emirates International University



Wednesday, 20 November, 2019
A festive welcome event for new students in the College of Administrative and Financial Sciences at the university

A festive welcome event for new students in the College of Administrative and Financial Sciences at the university

University media

Today, Wednesday, the university held a ceremonial event to welcome the new students of the Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences of the university in all its departments. The event aimed to welcome new students, as well as familiarize them with the university's rules and regulations, the instructions regulating study, exams, and the services provided by the university to its student children. At the beginning of the event, the President of the University, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim, welcomed the university’s leadership and staff, as well as the new students in the College of Administrative and Financial Sciences, pointing out that this batch represents a qualitative addition to the university and that the university, in order to distinguish its students, has harnessed all possibilities in order to achieve that distinction. Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim confirmed that the university, since its establishment, has achieved remarkable success and a high reputation for its ability to continuously develop thanks to the support, care and continuous follow-up of the University’s Board of Trustees and the Chairman of the Council, His Excellency Professor Sultan bin Obaid Al Shaya, who directed to meet with the students and talk to them closely. Pointing to the university's endeavor, since its establishment, to attract a distinguished elite of faculty members and its academic and administrative staff, and to follow the best and latest educational policies and practices in accordance with the highest quality standards applicable at the local and international levels. The university president urged the students to be serious, persevere, attend and follow-up continuously. Pointing out that the university stands by its students, adopts its first graduates, and prioritizes their absorption into the various faculties and departments of the university. And that the university is working to overcome all difficulties and challenges to achieve the excellence of its students. For his part, the Dean of the College, Dr. Muhammad Al-Kahali, welcomed the new students of the College. Pointing out that the college boasts a cadre of elite faculty members, and that the role of the university is to provide the student with the ability, skill and thought necessary to acquire knowledge, and that success begins with the interaction of students with their professors in lectures, continuous knowledge, research and practical training to achieve excellent and effective outputs capable of working and competing in the local labor market. and regional. The event was attended by Prof. Dr. Hassan Abdel-Mughni, Vice President for Academic Affairs, a number of department heads, faculty members and their assistants at the university, and directors of relevant departments at the university.