Emirates International University



Thursday, 28 November, 2019
Continuing discussion of graduation projects in the Department of Oil and Gas Engineering, Faculty of Engineering at the university

Continuing discussion of graduation projects in the Department of Oil and Gas Engineering, Faculty of Engineering at the university

University media

In the presence of the head of the Oil and Gas Department, Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Ali Farea and his elite of senior engineers of oil companies and a number of faculty members in the department, the Department of Oil and Gas Engineering at the College of Engineering at the university continues to discuss the graduation projects of the graduate students from the department for the academic year 2018-2019. Where two graduation projects were discussed, the first project was entitled "Reservoir study of the Azal field in the Sabaeten Basin, Mareb - Al-Jawf, Sector 18 studying of reservoir performance under gas injection of Azal field (Block-18). Using gas injection for the ultimate recovery. The study aimed to focus on an overview of Azal field performance based on pressure, production and injection, study the impact of different scenarios on the extraction rate, and determine and find the optimum reservoir pressure during the life of the reservoir. In the project, new methods were used with simple programs to obtain several scenarios for gas injection, with the presentation of a result for each injection ratio in terms of the amount of recoverable oil and the presentation of the best scenario in terms of maintaining the reservoir pressure and raising the percentage of the recoverable amount of oil. The results of the study were presented to the discussion committee and discuss them The project is supervised by Dr. Muhammad Abu Al-Ghaith Al-Tayeb and implemented by Al-Tala Ahmed Sadiq Mudhish Dibwan, Musa Abdulsalam Abdul-Rahim Al-Hammadi, Abdul-Majid Abdullah Ali Dibwan and Sakhr Hussain Ali Al-Nuwaira. The second project discussed was a development plan for Najeh field using reservoir simulation. The aim of this study is to conduct a development plan for the Najiyah field using reservoir simulation to extract the highest percentage of oil from a technical and economic point of view. Used to predict the future performance of the field through Decline Curve Analysis, where production forecasts were set. Until 2023. Depending on the results of base case forecasts without any additions that ended in 2023, several different development scenarios for the possibility of improving oil recovery were implemented. Six simulations were created using Eclipse to determine the best scenario. The last scenario was (case 06), which contains four new horizontal production wells with two wells to convert (AN2 and AN5) into gas injection and also re-perforation for well AN12, as this scenario was the optimum in the development of the Najiya field, through which the highest rate of extraction was obtained Oil was also economically feasible. The project was implemented by the students: Zahid Yahya Hassan, Amjad Aref Al-Sururi, Hussein Hassan Jarad, Abdul Salam Yahya Al-Houthi, Kholoud Muhammad Lotf, and supervised by Dr. Muhammad Abbas. The discussion committee was formed by Dr. Ibrahim Farea. Head of the Oil and Gas Engineering Department, Dr. Mohamed El-Tayeb, where the discussion committee praised the submitted projects and commended the efforts of the students. The discussion was attended by a number of department heads, academic and administrative staff at the university, students from different departments of the college, and parents of students.