Emirates International University



Tuesday, 03 December, 2019
Continuing discussion of graduation projects in the Department of Oil and Gas Engineering, Faculty of Engineering at the university

Continuing discussion of graduation projects in the Department of Oil and Gas Engineering, Faculty of Engineering at the university University media


The Department of Oil and Gas Engineering at the College of Engineering and Information Technology continues to discuss the graduation projects for students of the department for the academic year 2018-2019, in the presence of the Dean of the College, Prof. Dr. Khalil Al-Wajeeh, the Head of the Oil and Gas Department, Prof. Ibrahim Ali Farea, and a number of senior engineers of oil companies and a number of faculty members in the department. Where three projects graduated from the students of the department were discussed. The first project was under the title (Selection of the Proper Enhance Method for Heavy Oil Fields in Block14- Masila), choosing the optimum method for extracting heavy oil in the fields of Sector 14- Masila. The research focused on the importance of heavy oil through the large amount of reserves and the development it witnessed in the field of finding new methods of improving extraction that are characterized by economic and technical efficiency, and determining the scientific criteria used in choosing the appropriate optimization method that depends mainly on the petrophysical properties of the reservoirs and the characteristics of heavy oil. TABER Method To choose the appropriate method for producing heavy oil from Sector 14 - Al-Masila, where the methodology determined that the use of thermal methods via steam injection as the appropriate method and accordingly the high-temperature fluid injection method was chosen. The project was implemented by the students: Assem Al-Maliky, Abdul-Badia Al-Jabri, Ezzedine Al-Dhahabani, Haitham Al-Qadri, Massad Muhammad Massad and Jamil Al-Hamdi, and supervised by Dr. Ibrahim Al-Qubati. The second project was entitled (Optimizing Wells Performance in Kharir Oil Field, Block 10- By using Nodal Analysis System Technique) Increasing the production of crude oil, and this technology mainly depends on the correct engineering analysis that is based on the well-known scientific and empirical basis. Petroleum This technology is Nodai Analysis System. The main objective of the project, which is to identify the obstacles to which the produced fluid is exposed in one of the producing wells of the Kharir oil field. This analytical study was conducted by using one of the programs of the British Petroleum Experts Company, which is the Prosper program. This program is characterized by its ability to model the production system and to determine the performance of the producing well or the injector, and it is able to study the sensitivity of the production system when it is exposed to a change in one of its components. The project was implemented by the students: Lutf Muhammad Al-Shamiri, Othman Khaled Al-Areeqi, Mazen Hamid Hizam, Osama Abdel-Bari Al-Areeqi, Naseem Khaled Al-Watari and Ali Mohsen Saleh Al-Haj. The third project entitled “Extending the operational life of submersible pumps in the Nabrajah field, Sector-43” was also discussed. The project aims to improve the operating conditions of submersible pumps in wells to maintain their operational life for a longer period by analyzing the technical reasons that lead to their constant need for maintenance or replacement. The result of the research was to reach recommendations and proposals that can work to avoid the occurrence of these problems in the field. The project is supervised by Dr. Ali Ibrahim Abbas, implemented by the students: Ibrahim Ahmed Saree, Hamza Osama Al-Habashi, Abdul Salam Naji Al-Arashi, Alaa Omar Muhammad Moamen, Abdul-Majid Hashem Al-Hamiri and Amir Abdullah Al-Shami. The discussion committee included: Prof. Khalil Al-Wajeeh, Prof. Ibrahim Al-Qubati, Prof. Yassin Hassan, and Engineer Muhammad Abbas. The projects were well received by the discussion committee, which praised the students’ clear efforts through the excellence of the projects’ topics and the scientific and engineering methodology used. As well as the method of presentation and presentation of students confirmed by the Dean of the College with the University’s pride in the presence of these honorable models of engineers who belong to the UAE University. The discussion was also attended by a number of department heads, academic and administrative staff at the university, students from various departments of the college and students' parents.