Emirates International University



Thursday, 05 December, 2019
Continuing discussion of graduation projects in the Department of Information Technology at the Faculty of Engineering at the university

Continuing discussion of graduation projects in the Department of Information Technology at the Faculty of Engineering at the university

University media

The Department of Information Technology at the College of Engineering at the university continues to discuss the graduation projects for the department’s students for the academic year 2018-2019, in the presence of the Dean of the College, Prof. Khalil Al-Wajeeh, the Head of the Department of Science Technology, Prof. Dr. Anwar Al-Shamiri, the Head of the Oil and Gas Department, Prof. Ibrahim Ali Farea, a number of faculty members and their assistants, and a number of Department students. Where my two graduation projects were discussed, the first project was an electronic archiving system supervised by Prof. Dr. Anwar Seif Al-Shamiri and Eng. Rasha Al-Arasi, implemented by the student Fahd Dhafer Shaif Al-Awaj It has been used to build WPF system interfaces, C# programming language, WS ACCESS database, and RDLC reports. The goal of establishing the system is to solve the problems in documentary archiving so that files, papers, documents and others are archived electronically for safekeeping and protection from damage or loss. Facilitating the search and quick access to the required data, obtaining and extracting it, following up on work and directives, knowing the extent of implementation and achievement, making follow-up reports according to the completion period and according to importance and priority, making achievement reports for work and implementing directives on a weekly and monthly basis, knowing the percentage of completion in each department, knowing the causes of delay and what are the obstacles, and making a notebook To know the dates of meetings, meetings, events, etc., and inform those concerned to prepare to attend. He made a list of field activities with their details and attachments and the results of each activity. The second project was the Matrix system, which is a system for managing small and medium-sized buying and selling companies (stores - sales - purchases) that works from the browser via the Internet under the nucleus of web applications and cloud computing as the first service (SAaS) linked to electronic payment gateways. It is characterized by protection and privacy of company data and system users in accordance with multiple protection policies and powers. The Matrix system is considered one of the contemporary and modern systems in the way it works, as it is compatible with all devices and can be worked on from any device if you have an Internet browser and access to the Internet, whether from a computer or tablet. The project was implemented by the students Shawqi Saeed Al-Mujahid, Tariq Mosad Al-Zaqari, Ahmed Mohamed Al-Falahi and Walid Ali Al-Saidi, and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Al-Balta and the engineer Sundus Al-Nazari. The discussion committee was composed of Prof. Dr. Khalil Al-Wajeeh, Prof. Dr. Anwar Al-Shamiri and engineer Ahlam Al-Hamdani. The projects were well received by the discussion committee, which praised the students' efforts and distinguished their projects.