Emirates International University



Saturday, 21 December, 2019
Discussing graduation projects in the Department of Architecture at the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at the university

Discussing graduation projects in the Department of Architecture at the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at the university

University media

Today, Saturday, the Department of Architectural Engineering at the College of Engineering and Information Technology at the university discussed the graduation projects for final-level students for the academic year 2018-2019, in the presence of the Vice President of the University, Prof. Dr. Hassan Abdel-Mughni, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Khalil Al-Wajeeh, and Head of the Architectural Engineering Department, Prof. Ahmed Al-Wazaf, and elites of senior specialized academics In the Department of Architecture, a number of faculty members and their assistants in the department, a number of male and female students and their parents. Six graduation projects submitted by the students of the department were discussed as follows: The first project is a research center submitted by the student Ahmed Khaled Zahra and the second project is Azal Center for Culture and Arts presented by the student Rassam Suleiman Al-Qatari, while the third project is a financial stock market. And submitted by the student Wahb Fadel, and the fourth project was a commercial, administrative and recreational mall submitted by the student Tasneem Hazaa Al-Hamiri, and the fifth project was the airport of “Sana’a International Airport” presented by the student Muhammad Saad Al-Hareq, while the sixth project was an ecological health tourism resort presented by the student Afnan Al-Wajeeh and supervised by Prof. Dr. Khalil Nasher. The Vice President of the University, Prof. Dr. Hassan Abdel-Mughni, expressed his happiness at the distinguished level of the students of the Department of Architecture through the excellent presentation and presentation and the high-end direction of the projects and creative ideas that the students reflected in their projects. Which varied between airport projects, tourist resorts, stock market projects and other projects. The Vice President of the University said that the graduation projects submitted by the students qualify them to integrate into the labor market with merit and practical experience that they can be trusted with in more strategic projects. Dr. Hassan expressed his thanks and appreciation to the male and female students, their parents and faculty members who helped the students extract their creative energies, as well as to the head of the department and the Dean of the College, which had the greatest role in caring for students, following them up and supervising their creative work. The discussion committee was composed of: Dr. Saif Al-Qubati and Dr. Nashwan Al-Athori and Dr. Abdul-Wahhab Al-Turki and m.d. Muhammad Al-Ward and m. Arif is brave. The projects were well received by the discussion committee, which praised the students' efforts through the excellence of the projects' topics and the scientific and engineering methodology used.