Emirates International University



Wednesday, 29 January, 2020
Honoring the children and families of the martyrs from the Emirates International University in Sana’a

Under the patronage of the Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Honoring the children and families of the martyrs from the Emirates International University in Sana’a

University media

The Emirates International University and the University Student Forum organized today, Wednesday, an event honoring the families of the martyrs of the university's students from the army and the people's committees, on the occasion of the martyr's anniversary. In the technical and oratorical event, which was attended by the Deputy Minister of Education, Dr. Hamdan Al-Shami, the Deputy Minister of Education confirmed Higher Education and Scientific Research Professor Dr. Ali Sharaf El-Din stressed the importance of commemorating the martyr’s anniversary to inspire effort and sacrifice in order to defend the sovereignty and independence of the nation. He said: "The martyrdom is a great divine gift in providing the best model by sacrificing oneself and money in the way of God, defending the truth and supporting the weak." Dr. Sharaf al-Din touched on the misconceptions in society, including moderation.. "Indicating that moderation in Islam means preference, citing the Almighty's saying, "And we made you a middle nation," meaning the best of nations. The Deputy Minister of Higher Education pointed to the keenness of the martyrs, the heroes of the army and the people's committees, to present the best model to be martyrs for God in the greatness of his religion, to follow their footsteps, and to introduce the sacrifices they made to Yemen for the sake of pride, dignity and honor. Dr. Ali Sharaf El-Din praised the university's role in celebrating and honoring a group of the families of the university's martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the sake of the homeland. For his part, the President of the Emirates International University, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kamim, considered that this honor is loyalty, honor and gratitude to the martyrs who sacrificed their lives cheaply in order to defend the homeland. Dr. Al-Kumaim said, "Today we are talking about sacrifice, redemption, giving and giving in order to preserve the university's message that it carries for generations and to preserve the sovereignty and dignity of the nation." While the speech of the families of the martyrs expressed the pride and honor for the martyrs' martyrdom in order to defend the pride and dignity of the homeland.. They valued all the efforts that contributed to honoring and caring for the families of the martyrs. The ceremony, which was attended by the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Higher Education, Dr. Ghaleb Al-Qans, the Vice President of the University, Dr. Hassan Abdel-Mughni, the deans of faculties, academics and a group of students included an introductory flash presentation about the martyrs and an expressive poem by the creative poet Saqr Al-Lahji and Abrit chanted by the university student forum band. At the end of the ceremony, the sons and families of the martyrs from the university’s employees were honored with certificates of appreciation and memorial shields.