Emirates International University



Wednesday, 26 February, 2020
The Quality Department organizes a training workshop for university employees on executive planning skills

Sponsored by the President of the University The Quality Department organizes a training workshop for university employees on executive planning skills

University media

Today, Wednesday, the Department of Quality and Academic Development at the Emirates International University organized an expanded workshop for university employees, under the generous patronage of the President of the University, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim, targeting 40 participants and the participation of directors of departments, heads of departments and assistant staff in the various departments of the university. During the inauguration of the workshop, the President of the University stressed that the holding of this workshop comes within the framework of interest in developing human capabilities, enhancing staff efficiency and institutional excellence, and contributing efficiently and effectively to the development and training of university staff, which contributes to building and developing the administrative system and supporting and raising the efficiency of the administrative apparatus in accordance with the directives of His Excellency the President of the University’s Board of Trustees, Professor Sultan bin Obaid Al-Shaya, and in implementation of the strategic transformation plan launched through the university’s strategy 2020-2025, which aims to excel at the local and regional levels. The President of the University referred to the achievements made in implementing the University's strategy 2020-2025 at the level of strategies for faculties, departments and programs. He referred to the efforts of the UAE University to support the completion of the document of standards for the accreditation of medical programs issued by the Academic Accreditation Council and to ensure the quality of education of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Yemen. According to the standards of the document of the World Federation of Medical Education (WFME) and the start of its implementation at the university through the launch of the strategy of the College of Medicine and Health Sciences and the expansion of the university's infrastructure. The President of the University praised the efforts made by Brother Dr. Ahmed Al-Baadani, Secretary-General of the University, in order to develop the capabilities and skills of the university's staff. He also praised the efforts of those in charge of the Quality Department in organizing and directing the workshop. Expressing his pleasure and happiness in carrying out the workshop with an integrated cadre from the university at the level of the trainer and the Quality Department as the implementing agency, and the impact of this in strengthening the unity of the team, teamwork and integration between the various departments and departments at the university. Thanks to all. For his part, Dr. Ahmed Al-Mawry, Director General of the Quality and Academic Development Department at the university and the trainer in the workshop, considered that the workshop comes within a series of workshops that will be implemented for all deanships and academic and administrative departments at the university. He pointed out that this workshop aims to enhance the participants' skills in preparing executive plans in accordance with the university's strategy 2020-2025 to obtain better results in order to achieve the university's strategic goals and objectives efficiently and distinctly. The workshop included many technical axes related to planning, its benefits and principles, and the relationship of strategic planning with executive planning. The planning methodology, the formulation of goals, the characteristics of the goals, the identification of the activities necessary to achieve the set goals, the practical application of the preparation of executive plans through the distribution of participants in mini-working groups and the completion of mini-plans that mimic the plans that the participants will implement at the level of their departments and divisions. At the conclusion of the workshop, the President of the University and the Director of the Quality Department honored the participants with a certificate of participation.