Emirates International University



Thursday, 18 June, 2020
The University Council holds its third periodic meeting headed by Dr. Najib Al-Kumaim, President of the University

The University Council holds its third periodic meeting headed by Dr. Najib Al-Kumaim, President of the University

University media

Today, Thursday, the Emirates International University Council held its third regular meeting for the year 2020, headed by Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim, President of the Council, President of the University, and in the presence of council members and representatives of relevant departments and departments. As well as the participation of Professor Sultan bin Obaid Al-Shaya, Chairman of the Board of Trustees and Secretary General of the University, Dr. Ahmed Al-Baadani, via the video circuit. At the opening of the Council meeting, the President of the Council welcomed the President of the University, the leadership of the Board of Trustees, members of the University Council and representatives of relevant departments participating in the meeting. He stressed that the holding of the council meeting comes under exceptional circumstances because of the great importance of that, which is represented in the topics that will be presented in the council meeting and the desired results from the meeting in a way that serves the resumption of the educational process and ensuring the educational attainment of students in accordance with the decisions and instructions issued by the official authorities. The attendees also discussed the prospective circulars Its issuance by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research regarding the completion of the second semester and final exams for the academic year 2019-2020 and the importance of full commitment to the procedures that will accompany the issuance of these decisions. The president of the university indicated that the university takes into account the standards of the educational process and safety and takes the necessary measures to ensure their implementation with deliberate steps and directions through the available means and alternatives in a manner that meets the goal of completing the educational process to implement the final exams with high efficiency and distinction with a focus on taking all precautionary measures to ensure the protection of the safety of its members The university has cadres and students. For his part, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, His Excellency Mr. Sultan bin Obaid Al-Shaya, praised in his intervention the efforts made by the presidency and leadership of the university and all its affiliates in the various faculties, units and departments, and the importance of working in a team spirit that embodies everyone’s belonging to their university and the continuation of its advancement under exceptional circumstances and high responsibility. Expressing his thanks and appreciation to all. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees affirmed his support and blessing for all the decisions and procedures that the council meeting will come up with in order to ensure the continuation of development and modernization in accordance with the university’s strategy 2025 and the decisions, instructions and directions of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and its academic and technical councils, taking into account the precautionary and preventive measures accompanying the implementation according to what is issued by the State leadership and relevant official bodies. In its meeting, the Council had stood on a number of topics on its agenda, ranging from issues related to educational, academic and administrative aspects, decisions, circulars and directives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research related to the educational process and preparations for the resumption of completing the second semester and examinations in accordance with the instructions to be issued by the Ministry in this regard and the university’s preparations for that . The meeting of the Council came out with the appropriate decisions and measures regarding these issues, in line with the ministerial circulars regulating this.