Emirates International University



Saturday, 24 October, 2020
The UAE University celebrates the birthday of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him

The UAE University celebrates the birthday of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him

University media

The Emirates International University and the University Student Forum in Sana’a revived today, Saturday, the anniversary of the Prophet’s birth, 1442 AH, to its owner and his family, the best prayer and peace. At the beginning of the event, the President of the University, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim, welcomed the honorable attendees in his speech on this occasion, stressing the importance of this great day because of its great religious and spiritual connotations. The president of the university stressed that the university celebrates the anniversary of the Prophet’s birthday in order to achieve its lofty mission, calling on students to follow the Prophet’s approach in all areas of life. He thanked the organizing committee for the event and the members of the University Student Forum for the good organization and direction of the event. In the speech of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research delivered by the Undersecretary of the Ministry, Dr. Ghaleb Al-Qans, in which he stressed the importance of reviving the Noble Prophet’s birthday, and the aim is that it is a station for inspiration from the Noble Messenger, adherence to his method and emulation, following his approach and his gift, and taking lessons and lessons from him. Dr. Al-Qans praised the support and management of the university and its interest in commemorating the occasion of the birth anniversary of the greatest messenger, upon him and his family, may prayers and peace be upon him. He thanked the prominent role and great efforts made by the organizing committee for the event, as well as the university student forum and its members at the university. In his speech during the event, Sheikh Shukri Al-Ahdal reviewed the most important characteristics of the Holy Prophet, as he is the personality that was carefully shaped by God’s hand, chosen and loved, to be an image of perfect human perfection. And the Messengers, which is the mercy that God Almighty sent to the worlds to rescue them from darkness into light. Pointing out that the Prophet's message was a message to read, with what this message represented in urging people to seek knowledge and the importance of knowledge in building a nation and its dependence on its children in all fields to be the master of itself and dispense with its enemies. Noting that the Yemenis were the first to celebrate the Prophet, and they were the ones who believed in and supported him. In the speech of the University Student Forum, which was delivered by the student Osama Hizam Al-Quhaiza, in which he renewed the welcome to all the guests present, extending congratulations on behalf of the students of the Emirates International University and the University Student Forum on this occasion, which is a revival of those principles, morals and values ​​that the Messenger of God, Muhammad, lived striving in order to achieve. He also added that the anniversary of the birth of the Greatest Messenger is a station from which we supply the morals and values ​​of the Prophet, which enhances our belonging to our Islamic religion, as well as an opportunity to promote the values ​​of brotherhood and compassion among the sons of our Arab and Islamic nation, and in particular our great, steadfast and patient Yemeni people. He extended his thanks and appreciation to the university and for cooperating in reviving the event in a distinct manner befitting the greatness of the occasion. The event was attended by the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Higher Education, Dr. Ghaleb Al-Qans, and the advisor to the Minister of Higher Education, Dr. Muhammad Dhaifallah, as well as the deans of the faculties, a number of department heads, faculty members and their assistants at the university, and a number of social figures, in addition to a wide participation of university students from various disciplines.