Emirates International University



Saturday, 07 November, 2020
The College of Administrative and Financial Sciences launches the discussion of graduation research for college students for the academic year 2019-2020

The College of Administrative and Financial Sciences launches the discussion of graduation research for college students for the academic year 2019-2020

University media

Today, Saturday, the Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences at the university, under the generous patronage of the President of the University, Dr. Najib Al-Kumaim, inaugurated the discussion of graduation research for the students of the college for the academic year 2019-2020. During the inauguration, the president of the university, Dr. Naguib Al-Kumaim, stressed that the university is concerned with the quality of graduation projects and the extent of their relevance to aspects related to society, in line with the requirements of the labor market. He pointed out that graduation projects and scientific research are the beginning of the way for the student to learn the foundations and methods of writing scientific research and its basic components, and a practical experience that gives the student the experiences and skills that contribute to giving them confidence after graduation to continue higher studies and engage in the labor market. The President of the University praised the efforts made by the Deanship and the college team in order to improve the educational process in the college and the level of performance. He congratulated the graduate students and wished them continued excellence. For his part, Dr. Muhammad Al-Kahali, Dean of the College of Administrative and Financial Sciences, stressed that the research submitted by students is of paramount importance, as it is the last stop after which the student obtains a bachelor's degree. Wishing the graduating students continued success. The research that was discussed on the first day for students of the International Business Administration was entitled: A strategy for achieving economic growth for the Republic of Yemen (2019-2024) based on international business management. Prepared by the students: Imad Ahmad Muhammad Al-Nahmi, Ibrahim Hussein Hassan Al-Shahari, Ashjan Saleh Ali Al-Asri, Ali Abdullah Ali Al-Omari, Muhammad Saleh Saleh Al-Falahi, Muhammad Abdullah Ali Nejad and Maha Hassan Saleh Al-Balily. It is supervised by Dr. Muhammad Al-Silwi. The inauguration was attended by: Dr. Fahmy Dakkak, Head of the Accounting and Financial and Banking Departments, Dr. Sharaf Al-Hamdi, Head of the Management Information Systems Department, Dr. Muhammad Al-Silwi, a member of the faculty, Professor Marwan Al-Zari, Acting Dean of Student Affairs, Ms. Roaa Al-Mujahid, and Ms. Safaa Al-Bahlouli, faculty assistant members of the faculty. It is scheduled to continue the discussion of graduation research during the next three weeks for all departments of the college.