Emirates International University



Monday, 09 November, 2020
The Minister of Higher Education reviews the arrangements for the holding of the scientific conference for e-learning

The Minister of Higher Education reviews the arrangements for the holding of the scientific conference for e-learning

[09/November 2020] Sana'a - Sheba:

The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Hussein Hazeb, was briefed today on the final preparations for the convening of the first scientific conference for e-learning in higher education institutions in Yemen, “Reality and Aspirations,” scheduled to be launched on Wednesday in Sana’a. Minister Hazeb, along with the Undersecretary for the Educational Affairs Sector, member of the Supervisory Committee of the conference, Dr. Ghaleb Al-Qans, got acquainted with the level of technical and technical preparations for the conference. Hazeb explained that the two-day conference, organized by the Ministry's Information Technology Center in partnership with the UAE University, will shed light on the challenges facing educational institutions in Yemen as a result of the aggression and the siege, and contribute to integrating and setting controls to regulate e-learning, as this type of education has become a strategic choice for institutions. educational. He praised the efforts of the committees in preparing, organizing and preparing well for the conference in light of the current situation that the country is going through as a result of the continued aggression and siege. Minister Hazeb indicated that dealing with e-learning in Yemen comes as a necessity and an urgent need in light of the Corona pandemic, considering this a pioneering experience that contributes to identifying the strengths and weaknesses of educational institutions. While the preparatory committees for the conference confirmed the completion of the technical and technical equipment and the provision of requirements and supplies to ensure the success of the conference, which will be attended by a group of academics and researchers from various Yemeni universities, decision-makers and users of e-learning and regional and international experiences through the electronic platforms "Zoom". He was accompanied during the visit by a number of heads and representatives of private universities, leaders of the Ministry and the Information Technology Center.