Emirates International University



Saturday, 14 November, 2020
The College of Engineering organizes a scientific day to discuss graduation projects for students of the Department of Architecture

The College of Engineering organizes a scientific day to discuss graduation projects for students of the Department of Architecture

University media

Today, Wednesday, the College of Engineering and Information Technology at the university organized a scientific day to discuss the graduation projects for students of the Department of Architecture at the college, in the presence of the President of the University, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Hatem Al-Dais, and a number of heads of departments, faculty and students in the faculty. During the review of the projects, the President of the University stressed the importance of these projects, which reflect the students' true vision of reality, which is a reflection of the extent of the effort exerted by all faculty members, faculty and department staff to prepare a distinguished graduate capable of creativity, innovation, leadership and competition in the labor market. For his part, the Dean of the College, Dr. Hatem Al-Dais, praised the role of the Head of the Architectural Engineering Department, Prof. Dr.. Ahmed job and supervisor a. Dr.. Ali Al-Ghazali in overcoming the difficulties facing the students in order to come up with honorable projects that reflect the efforts of the university and the college in graduating distinguished architects. Eight graduation projects submitted by the department's students and supervised by Dr. Ali Al-Ghazali were discussed, as follows: The first project submitted by the student Ghassan Hammoud Qais, which is an international airport, while the second project submitted by the student Ruqayya Rashid Al-Khulaifi was the Marine Science Center, and the third project submitted by the student Ahmed Fadel Al-Kaboudi was a project of the College of Engineering, and the fourth project was a city A medical project presented by the student Abdullah Al-Shami, while the fifth project presented by the student Aziza Al-Rowaishan was a hospital for cancer diseases, while the sixth project was international exhibitions presented by the student Ahmed Hizam Hatem, and the seventh project submitted by the student Youssef Al-Faqih was international exhibitions. While the eighth project, submitted by the student Kamal Majid Al-Baidai, was a sports city. The discussion committee was composed of: Dr. Ali Al-Ghazali, supervisor and head of the committee, and d. Mansour Al-Zabadi, a member and d. Nashwan Al-Athoury is a member. Which praised the projects submitted by the students and the efforts made by them to come up with distinguished projects that mimic reality and contribute to providing a scientific architectural vision that contributes to community service.