Emirates International University



Wednesday, 11 May, 2022
UAEU graduates win first places in the National Competition for Creative and Innovative Projects

UAEU graduates win first places in the National Competition for Creative and Innovative Projects

University media

Students and graduates from the Emirates International University won first places in the national competition for creative and innovative projects organized by the Higher Authority for Science, Technology and Innovation in its fourth season 2022 AD within the framework of government directions in accordance with the national vision aimed at fostering creativity and innovation. Where the "Sifter powered by renewable energy" project presented by Engineer Marwan Al-Sayyad and the "Production line" project submitted by Engineer Hatem Ishaq, both graduates from the Mechatronics Engineering Department at the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at the university, won the first places out of four projects that won the grand prize. In the ceremonial event organized by the Higher Authority for Science, Technology and Innovation this morning under the auspices of the President of the Supreme Political Council and in the presence of state leaders, businessmen and businessmen, and the participation of the President of the University, Dr. With a sum of half a million riyals. The authority has previously honored the projects that qualified for the implementation and operation stage, and two projects were awarded to university students: the "Smart Mobile Robot" project submitted by Engineer Alaa Al-Halali and his group, and the "Robot Pavement Painting" project submitted by Engineer Elias Al-Majidi and his group. The President of the University, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kumaim, offered his congratulations to the pioneers of the winning innovative projects, congratulating them on this achievement, and expressing the university’s pride in its students and graduates and every achievement they reap in their scientific and practical life. It is worth noting that the number of projects participating in the National Competition for Creative and Innovative Projects in its fourth season 2022 amounted to 813 projects from twenty Yemeni governorates, of which 68 were qualified to present the idea and clarify the possibility of its application in reality according to sound scientific foundations, 34 of which qualified for the implementation and operation phase. Then four projects won first place and five projects won second place.