Emirates International University



Wednesday, 01 September, 2021
Launching the discussion of graduation projects for students of the College of Engineering and Information Technology for the academic year 2020-2021

University media

The College of Engineering and Information Technology at the university inaugurated the discussion of graduation projects for students of the College of Engineering and Information Technology for the academic year 2020-2021 AD, under the patronage of Dr. Najib Al-Kumaim, President of the University, and in the presence of the Dean of the College, Dr. Hatem Al-Dais, Head of the Oil and Gas Department, Dr. Ibrahim Farea, and Dr. Yassin Hassan Abdo and d. Mahfouz Al Hammadi, Engineer Muhammad Hassan Abbas and a number of faculty members and their assistants in the college. During the first day, the graduation projects for students of the Oil and Gas Engineering Department, submitted by the student groups, were discussed as follows: The first group presented a project entitled: “Fluid Loses Control by Nanoparticles while Drilling Process” “Controlling the loss of drilling fluid infiltrate using nanoparticles” presented by the students: Bakil Muhammad Al-Shaqaqi, Amir Al-Din Al-Mutarib, Muhammad Al-Qadi, Majed Jamaleh, Imad Al-Salahi, Ammar Al-Faqih, Malek Atta and Ammar Al-Omari. Ibrahim Ali Farea. Where the graduation project was implemented by the method of laboratory experiments to prepare nano-silver and nano-copper particles and study the effect of adding them to oil well drilling fluids, using the latest petroleum engineering laboratories at the Emirates International University. The project also reviewed the role of these particles in oil reservoirs in the process of improving oil production (EOR). The second group presented its project entitled: (Assessing the performance of the field and diagnosing the reasons for the increase in water production in the Sharif field, sector 53). (PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF THE FIELD AND DIAGNOSES EXCESSIVE WATER PRODUCTION FROM SHARYOOF FIELD (BLOCK 53)) Presented by the students: Abdullah Mabkhout Al-Zoba, Ramzi Fadel, Gibran Jarawish, Abdul Rahman Al-Uqbi, Fayez Al-Sarti and Ahmed Al-Shibli. It is supervised by Dr. Yassin Hassan Abdo In the project, the performance of the reservoir was evaluated using production data for several years using the (Oil Field Manager) program. Several plots were used in the evaluation, including the Production history plot. The problems that led to an increase in water production were also diagnosed using (Chan plot). He also presented in the project the appropriate methods to reduce water production and increase oil production in the field and explain the reasons for choosing these methods. While the third group presented its project entitled: Excessive water production Diagnosis and the best treatment Block-43 “Analysis of the reasons for increasing water productivity and the optimal methods of treatment in the Hawarim field sector 43 Seiyun Masila Basin.” Presented by the students: Ahmed Al-Sultan, Ahmed Al-Sabri and Osama Al-Kaboudi, Saeed Al-Hawbani, Ibrahim Al-Qahoum, Sami Al-Mawry, Hashem Al-Raeini and Ahed Al-Zaqari, and it was supervised by Engineer Muhammad Hassan Abbas. The fourth group had presented its project entitled: Improve Oil recovery using polymer injection (Sharyoof Field BLK#53) “Improving Oil Production Using Polymer Injection in Shariouf Field, Sector 53, Seiyun Al-Masila Basin.” Presented by the students: Marwan Al-Shamiri, Osama Khairat and Amjad Al-Junaid, Moaz Saleh, Abdul Rahman Haider, Essam Al-Sabri, Ahmed Al-Baadani, Hatem Al-Muqaddam and Omar Al-Sina’i, and it was supervised by Engineer Muhammad Hassan Abbas. The submitted projects were praised and admired by the discussion committee in terms of idea, work and performance, wishing the project teams success in their scientific and practical future. It is scheduled to continue discussing graduation projects for the rest of the college departments in the coming days.