Emirates International University



Saturday, 11 September, 2021
Organizing a workshop to review and develop the university’s draft executive plan 2021-2022

University media

The Center for Development and Quality Assurance at the university organized this morning, Saturday morning, under the auspices of the President of the University, Dr. Najib Al-Kumaim, a workshop to review and develop the draft executive plan of the university 2021-2022. In the presence of the Vice President, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, Dean of the Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, heads of scientific departments in faculties and a number of directors of departments and heads of departments and units concerned with the university. At the beginning of the workshop, the President of the University, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kamim, welcomed the participants, stressing that the university would continue to implement its 2025 strategy, which was launched in March 2019, as the first Yemeni university to foresee the future and define its priorities according to a clear, well-defined and chronic strategy that defined the university’s directions and aspirations for the coming period, with the support and care of a Board of Trustees The university is represented by the Chairman of the Council, Professor Sultan bin Obaid Al-Shaya, praising the success achieved in implementing the university’s executive plan 2020-2021 and the efforts made by the team during the previous period. The President of the University called on the participants in the workshop to build on the successes achieved in the strategic aspects and work on concerted efforts in a team spirit and diligence in the search for new ideas and information and the use of modern methods in accordance with international quality standards and the requirements of the Academic Accreditation Council and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to come up with qualitative recommendations that contribute In achieving the strategic directions of the university. The President of the University also praised the efforts made by the Center for Development and Quality Assurance, deans of faculties, heads of academic departments and heads of various departments and units to complete the draft executive plan 2021-2022, noting the importance of the work entrusted to the Center to develop academic, institutional and program performance, improve education processes and outputs, and ensure quality in all university faculties And its various units, in addition to supporting and assisting the colleges in accordance with the planned objectives and according to quality standards and academic accreditation locally and globally. The Vice President of the University, Dr. Ahmed Al-Baadani, praised the efforts made by the center, faculties, departments, departments and concerned units in order to complete the executive plan of the university, noting the keenness of the university leadership to implement everything stated in the plan in accordance with the university’s strategy 2025. For his part, Prof. Sharaf Al-Hamdi, Acting Dean of the Center for Development and Quality Assurance, reviewed the objectives of the workshop and the stages that preceded the preparation of the executive plan 2021-2022 until it reached what it is now. I also reviewed the expected outputs of the workshop in addition to the main aspects of the plan of the Center for Development and Quality Assurance emanating from the executive plan of the university. Ms. Jamila Mahyoub, responsible for planning and institutional development, presented a practical case showing the way to link activities between different colleges and departments, where she reviewed one of the axes of the executive plan, which is to improve governance and management systems and enhance the quality and quality of the academic process to meet development needs and enhance the values ​​of professional development and investment of human resources on a professional basis in accordance with the framework The strategic goal of the university and the development of the university structure that supports teaching and learning in a way that achieves the professional competencies of the university’s outputs. The relationship between the various activities in the various faculties and departments to reach the implementation of the strategic goal. The workshop witnessed discussions, interventions and interaction that contributed to coming up with recommendations that enrich the draft executive plan in order to achieve the strategic objectives on which the plan was built. In addition, certificates of appreciation were distributed to the participants at the end of the workshop.