Emirates International University



Tuesday, 05 October, 2021
The Department of Information Technology organizes a summer training for students of the fourth level at the General Institute of Communications

University media

The Department of Information Technology at the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at the university organized a summer training for students of the fourth level department at the General Institute of Communications in the field of networks. Where students were trained in CCNA1 v7 and CCNA2 v7 academic sessions in an intensive program to enhance practical skills of students according to the requirements of the labor market. At the conclusion of the training, the students will be awarded two international certificates provided by Cisco. The first part of the training was successfully concluded and the students received an excellent evaluation. The second part of the training is scheduled to start during the current week. He accompanied the students during the training for coordination and supervision, Eng. Ahlam Al-Hamdani and Eng. Omar Haider, as teaching assistants in the Information Technology Department.