Emirates International University



Wednesday, 11 September, 2024
Emirates International University organizes a solidarity stand with the Palestinian people under the slogan "The birth of the Prophet of Guidance... A call to support Gaza and Al-Aqsa"

The Emirates International University organizes a solidarity stand with the Palestinian people under the slogan "The birth of the Prophet of Guidance.. A call to support Gaza and Al-Aqsa"


University Media


The Emirates International University organized, today, Wednesday, 8 Rabi' al-Awwal 1446 AH, corresponding to September 11, 2024 AD, a solidarity stand with the Palestinian people, entitled "The birth of the Prophet of Guidance.. A call to support Gaza and Al-Aqsa" in the presence of the President of the University, Dr. Nasser Hadi Al-Mufri, Vice President of the University, Dr. Ahmed Al-Badani, Secretary-General, Dr. Fouad Ismail Hanash, deans of colleges and heads of departments, and a large and remarkable student presence.


The event began with the recitation of verses from the Holy Quran, followed by the Yemeni and Palestinian national anthems. During the stand, the participants chanted expressive slogans and slogans in support and solidarity with the Palestinian resistance, raising banners of the cry of innocence from the enemies of God and banners of the boycott of American and Israeli goods and Yemeni and Palestinian flags.


 In the statement issued by the vigil, the participants noted that Gaza is still experiencing suffering, injustice, Zionist criminality, and a stifling siege with full American participation and the support of some European countries, in light of shameful Arab and Islamic inaction and shameful global silence.


The statement renewed the pledge and loyalty to the Messenger of God on the anniversary of his birth, saying: We will not abandon jihad, nor will we abandon Palestine and Gaza, and we will defend the path of our Prophet, and we will remain steadfast in our faith-based position supporting the oppressed Muslim Palestinian people.


Through the statement, the participants praised God Almighty and thanked Him for the great victories achieved by the Mujahideen of our armed forces, which defeated the enemies at sea, and made the Americans turn their backs and admit defeat and failure, and a large part of our seas are now outside American hegemony, thanks to God, while the response to the Zionists is coming inevitably, and the surprises carry what is greater than the response, God willing, with His help and success.


 The statement of the vigil called on the Arab and Islamic peoples to wage jihad for the sake of Allah in support of the oppressed Muslim Palestinian people, and called on the peoples of our nation to return sincerely to the Messenger of Allah, may Allah's prayers and peace be upon him and his family, who was the master of the mujahideen.


It pointed out that there is no excuse for the cowardly before Allah and there is no escape from shame, disgrace and humiliation for anyone who abandons jihad, and there is no honor or dignity for the nation except through jihad.


The statement called on the mujahideen of our Yemeni armed forces and all fronts of the axis of jihad and resistance to prepare for the honorable response, which, God willing, with His strength and support, will disgrace the infidels and hypocrites, heal the hearts of a believing people, and remove the anger from their hearts.


The statement also stressed that the enemy has ignited anger in our hearts with its continued escalation and committing more massacres against our brothers in the honorable Gaza Strip. The statement stressed that our operations are continuing and the response is inevitable, as the master of words and deeds said.





