Emirates International University



Friday, 12 November, 2021
Emirates International University organizes a speech event on the occasion of the Prophet’s birthday

University media

The Emirates International University and the University Student Forum organized this morning, Tuesday, Rabi` Al-Awwal 6, 1443 AH, corresponding to October 12, 2021 AD, a rhetorical event on the occasion of the Prophet’s birthday, 1443 AH. In the opening speech of the event, the President of the University, Dr. Najeeb Al-Kamim, welcomed the Deputy Minister of Higher Education and the honorable attendees, stressing that the university celebrates the anniversary of the Prophet’s birth in order to achieve its lofty message that calls for strengthening belonging to the Arab and Islamic nation represented by its Prophet and Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, and to raise the level of education according to best practices. Scientific and high quality, as education represents an obligation in our true Islamic religion to advance the nation's reality and keep pace with the rapid developments in various scientific fields. The president of the university pointed out the importance of celebrating the birth of the best of the wilderness, the gift of mercy and the enlightening lamp that God sent as a mercy to the worlds to bring them out of darkness into light as a guide, teacher and herald. He considered the commemoration of this anniversary a great station to re-evaluate our situation and what the Noble Prophet sent to him in carrying the trust that the heavens and mountains refused to bear, and to follow the guidance, approach and behavior of the righteous Prophet, his morals and principles, and embodying them in the fields of science and work. He thanked the organizing committee for the event and the members of the University Student Forum for the good organization and direction of the event. For his part, the Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Ali Yahya Sharaf Al-Din reviewed the implications and meanings of celebrating the Prophet’s birthday in order to inspire lessons and lessons that the nation needs to correct its situation and reform its reality. Dr. Sharaf El-Din touched on the attitudes, qualities, virtues and morals of the Noble Prophet, his upbringing of his companions and his family, and the call to adhere to the biography of the Greatest Messenger from the standpoint of the Noble Qur’an so that the nation does not slip into moral perversion or religious perversion, by following his guidance, following his approach, and adhering to his principles and values ​​in word and deed. He pointed out the importance of taking advantage of this occasion and its aftermath to consolidate the values ​​and reward to know the guidance and the aspects we need to face challenges and crises, know how to deal with and address problems and focus on the importance of preserving the authentic Yemeni identity. The Deputy Minister considered that celebrating this great occasion is a celebration of strengthening the connection with the Noble Prophet and the Muhammadan message, and the connection with the divine approach and the message as a guide, leader, teacher, educator, role model and role model. He extended his thanks and appreciation to the leadership and staff of the UAE University and the University Student Forum for their efforts in holding the event in an honorable manner and befitting the stature of the Holy Prophet. On the other hand, Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Manari touched on a religious topic about stations from the history of the Prophet’s birthday, evoking his fragrant biography and the importance of embodying it in behavior and work, adhering to the values ​​and principles that he brought, following his Sunnah and his approach, and following him. The speech of the Secretary-General of the University Student Forum, Osama Al-Quhaiza, touched on the implications and meanings of celebrating the Prophet’s birthday, to talk about the depth of Yemenis’ association with the Noble Prophet, their organic and intrinsic relationship with him, and their preference over other nations and peoples, and the call to follow his example and to be guided by his guidance and follow his path. The event was attended by the Vice President of the University, Dr. Ahmed Al-Baadani, the advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Dr. Hamdan Al-Shami, the deans of the faculties, the directors and heads of the academic and administrative departments at the university, a number of personalities and representatives of the relevant authorities.