Emirates International University



Wednesday, 31 July, 2024
Honoring the first group of graduates of the general mobilization courses from the staff of the Emirates University and Tontec University and launching the second group

Honoring the first group of graduates of the general mobilization courses from the staff of the Emirates University and Tontec University and launching the second group 


University Media 


A ceremony was held this morning at the Emirates International University to honor the graduates of the general mobilization forces courses, the first group, from the staff of the Emirates University and Tontec University, and launching the open course for the second group. 


During the honoring ceremony, which was attended by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Emirates International University, Eng. Mohammed Al-Dhaifani, Dr. Nasser Al-Mufri, President of the Emirates University, and the President of Tontec International University, Dr. Wael Al-Aghbari, announced the launch of the general mobilization forces courses for the second group, at the Emirates University and Tontec University, praising the great interaction and commitment of the two universities’ members with the general mobilization courses for the first group. They urged the second group to participate actively at the same level as the first group. 


Noting that the general mobilization courses are continuing within the framework of preparation for the highest and most sacred battle, the battle of the promised conquest and the holy jihad against the Zionists and Americans. 


 For his part, Dr. Fouad Hanash, Secretary-General of the Emirates International University, pointed out during the honoring ceremony that the general mobilization courses are one of the most important cultures required at the present time to gain skills, hone experiences, and raise the jihadist morale within the framework of the battle of the promised conquest and the holy jihad. 


Dr. Fouad Hanash congratulated the revolutionary and political leadership and the Yemeni people for targeting the capital of the enemy entity, Jaffa, called Tel Aviv in Israel, with the Jaffa drone, as part of the fifth phase of escalation against the Zionist entity. 





