Emirates International University



Saturday, 08 June, 2024
A student stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people and to denounce the crimes of the Zionist occupation

A student stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people and to denounce the crimes of the Zionist occupation 


 University media 


 This Saturday morning, students of the Emirates International University organized a stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people and to denounce the crimes of the Israeli occupation against the people of Gaza. 


 The university campus witnessed a solidarity stand for the graduate students from the Accounting Department, and the examination halls also witnessed a solidarity stand. During the stands, banners were raised expressing support, advocacy, and backing for the Palestinian resistance, denouncing the crimes and the shameful international silence regarding the ongoing war of genocide against the Palestinians. 


 The pause paid tribute to the steadfastness of the Palestinian people, and blessed the operations targeting the Zionist entity. It also blessed the operations of the Yemeni army that target the interests of the Israeli entity in the occupied Palestinian territories, and those operations in the Red Sea that target the entity’s ships, battleships, and American aircraft carriers that support the Zionist entity. 


 In their stand, the students also saluted the pro-Palestine student movements in American and Western universities. They denounced the oppressive practices targeting students who express their right to stand in solidarity with the just Palestinian cause. 


