Emirates International University



Sunday, 26 May, 2024
The Higher Authority for Science, Technology and Innovation, in partnership with the UAE University, organizes an introductory workshop on the research map

The Higher Authority for Science, Technology and Innovation, in partnership with the UAE University, organizes an introductory workshop on the research map of the Republic of Yemen and its electronic platform. 


 University media 


 Today, Sunday, the Higher Authority for Science, Technology and Innovation, in partnership with the Emirati University, organized an introductory workshop on the research map of the Republic of Yemen and its electronic platform, in the presence of the University’s President, Dr. Nasser Hadi Al-Mawfri, the Authority’s Undersecretary, Dr. Nasser Al-Ma’afa, and the University’s Secretary-General, Dr. Fouad Hanash. 


 The workshop, which was held by the Science and Research Sector of the Higher Authority for Science, Technology and Innovation, aimed to introduce the university’s academic and administrative staff to the research map and its electronic platform. 


 Dr. Nasser Al-Maafa, Undersecretary of the Science and Research Sector, reviewed the most important information related to the research map, to introduce the importance of the project, discuss ways to activate it, and direct research towards the national priorities found in the research map of the Republic of Yemen. 


 Engineer Zuhair Al-Murshedi, responsible for the electronic platform for the research map, and engineer Wael Al-Shami, director of coordination and partnership, also reviewed the platform and its most important objectives, and explained the features and services that the platform provides to researchers and members. 


 At the conclusion of the workshop, Dr. Nasser Al-Mofari, President of the University, stressed the importance of this workshop in introducing the national research map, which is consistent with the university’s directions aimed at supporting scientific research, by encouraging scientific research for faculty members and academic staff, in addition to directing graduation projects and research. Students, in line with the directions of the research map of the Republic of Yemen, which contributes to serving society and the nation in general. 


