Emirates International University



Sunday, 26 May, 2024
The Ministry of Higher Education launches the second Holy Quran competition in partnership with the Emirates International University

The Ministry of Higher Education launches the second Holy Quran competition in partnership with the Emirates International University


 Today, Sunday, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, in partnership with the Emirates International University, launched the Holy Quran Competition in its second edition among Yemeni university students within the framework of the cultural and scientific competitive competition project, which is organized in three days by the Educational Affairs Sector of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, within the vision projects. Nationalism. 


 100 male and female contestants from 24 public and private universities in the municipality and the governorates are competing in the competition, which is hosted by the UAE University, under the supervision of a special jury for male and female students in the categories of “the entire Qur’an, 20, 10 and five parts.” 


 At the opening, the Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Ali Sharaf El-Din, stressed the importance of the competition among university students to motivate them to memorize and improve the Book of God and contemplate its verses in a way that contributes to building a conscious generation that adheres to the values of the true Islamic religion and protects it from religious distortion. 


 He pointed out that the source of the pride and strength of the people of the nation lies in memorizing the Book of God, implementing its commands and prohibitions, and adhering to the meanings of Quranic culture, considering that the Holy Qur’an represents a nation’s project, a constitution of life, and a source of pride and dignity for victory over tyrants and arrogant powers. 


 Dr. Sharaf El-Din praised the efforts of the organizing committee in preparing well for the success of the competition within the framework of enhancing university activities and exchanging experiences and knowledge between all public and private universities. 


 For his part, Director of Private Education at the Ministry of Higher Education - Director of the Competition Project, Fouad Al-Hadaa, considered the second Holy Qur’an Competition to enhance the faith identity and moral values in the souls of students and motivate them to be creative, develop their intellectual abilities, and discover different talents. 


 In turn, the President of the Emirates International University, Dr. Nasser Al-Mofari, pointed out the importance of giving the Book of God the attention that befits its sanctity and greatness, to enhance young people’s connection to the Holy Qur’an and the faith identity and protect them from cultural invasion and soft war. 


 He stressed the importance of encouraging university students to memorize and recite the Book of God Almighty and contemplate its meanings, urging them to work on it to establish a generation that is moved by the reality of the Holy Qur’an. 


 He stressed that competing in memorizing, reciting, and applying the Holy Qur’an is a goal that deserves all support and encouragement from everyone, especially from educational institutions, in a way that contributes to developing young people with a faith education derived from Quranic culture and instilling a love of the Holy Qur’an in their souls, in addition to developing their linguistic stock and reading skill. 


 At the opening, which was attended by the Vice President of the UAE University, Dr. Ahmed Al-Baadani, the Secretary-General, Dr. Fouad Hanash, the deans of the colleges, a staff from the university, and directors of activities in a number of public and private universities, the director of activities at the Ministry of Higher Education, Abdul Karim Al-Dahhak, pointed out that holding the Holy Quran competition coincided with the virtues of the days of Hajj. Blessed.